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GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump bought an earring cuff from NYC-based jewelry company Lady Grey. When that company chose to insult her because of her father and brag about it, The Huffington Post applauded.

The headline of HuffPo’s style section story was, “A Jewelry Brand Just Threw The Best Shade At Ivanka Trump.” “Mic.Dropped,” said Jenna Amatulli’s subhead on Aug. 17.

Lady Grey co-founders Jill Martinelli and Sabine Le Guyader included a note to Trump saying “the proceeds of your sale have been generously donated to The American Immigration Council, the Everytown for Gun Safety organization, and the Hillary Clinton Campaign.” They posted a picture  their note on the ladygreyjewelry’s Instagram with the hashtags #thanksbutnothanks and #payitFORWARD.

Considering the left-wing website’s disdain for Donald Trump, it was no surprise that HuffPo trends editor Jenna Amatulli reported that a Lady Grey spokeswoman said, “When we received her order, we instantly felt compelled to take the money and donate it to a few organizations that were more aligned with our ideals.”

Amatulli praised the company for declaring that they “strongly feel that everyone and anyone can make a difference through actively supporting the causes that they believe in, no matter how big or small.”

HuffPo is all about businesses “actively supporting the causes that they believe in,” unless the causes are pro-christian, pro-police, pro-life, or pro-Second Amendment.

Undoubtedly, if a company “threw shade” at Chelsea Clinton because of her mother’s views HuffPo would not have been gleeful about it.