
Alexander Hall | April 17, 2019

Antitrust is coming for Big Tech, at least according to one business expert.

Prof. Scott Galloway, of the NYU Stern School of Business, said it will take some time, but there will a bipartisan breakup of Big Tech. “I believe DOJ or…

Alexander Hall | April 16, 2019

Google gathers so much data on its users that police are relying on that information to help solve crimes. And that has privacy advocates very worried.

Google’s phone location tracking system Sensorvault has been dubbed the “…

Alexander Hall | April 10, 2019

Freedom of speech and expression were under a full scale assault at a House Judiciary Committee Hearing, but Rep. Tom McClintock (R-California) came prepared with a powerful speech.

At the April 9 hearing on “Hate Crimes and…

Corinne Weaver | April 9, 2019

According to leaked documents obtained by the Daily Caller, Google does act upon its bias against conservatives in the most pernicious ways possible.

Daily Caller reported on April 9, that Google described two different policies in those…

Corinne Weaver | April 8, 2019

Another Senate hearing probing into the treatment of free speech at social media companies is scheduled to happen on April 10.

The hearing, “Stifling Free Speech: Technological Censorship and the Public Discourse,” will be…

Alexander Hall | April 5, 2019

Google has scrapped an ethics advisory board on Artificial Intelligence after the outcry over the inclusion of a African-American conservative. 

The inclusion of conservative think tank Heritage Foundation leader Kay Coles James…

Corinne Weaver | April 2, 2019

Google has a tough choice to make. Make a small outreach to  conservatives and face a war with many of its liberal employees.

The Washington Post reported that more than 1,437 Google employees signed a petition to remove Heritage…

Alexander Hall | March 29, 2019

Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri and his allies are putting Big Tech companies on notice for collaborating with a foreign power.

Hawley’s own website features video and transcript of his exchange with Chairman of the Joint…

Alexander Hall | March 28, 2019

A software engineer at Google has made another devastating reveal of Google’s liberal bias.

Mike Wacker leaked two pages of far-left dogma on race, privilege, and sexuality published in Google’s Allyship 101 “diversity…

Alexander Hall | March 27, 2019

Google’s new gaming platform comes with a big hitch — more censorship.

Google has announced the launch of Stadia, a new streaming service that will allow people to pay to play a wide selection of games online. The goal is to…

Corinne Weaver | March 25, 2019

One of Google and YouTube’s trusted partners is not exactly trustworthy when it comes to reporting the facts.

Google and YouTube elevated Wikipedia to the level of fact by using the volunteer-run encyclopedia site to fill in the…

Corinne Weaver | March 18, 2019

It should come as no surprise that a “voting company” that partnered with social media companies in 2018 failed to help voters register as advertised.

Facebook and Twitter touted TurboVote as a voting reminder and an aid in…

Corinne Weaver | March 18, 2019

The case against social media platforms and their consistent censorship of conservative content is growing rapidly.

In a new op-ed by Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son slammed Facebook, Instagram, and Google for their latest…

Alexander Hall | March 14, 2019

Big Tech just ran into a big buzzsaw. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) scorched a Google executive during a Committee hearing on consumer privacy, complaining about “creepy” revelations of misbehavior.

Hawley sparred with Google…

Alexander Hall | March 8, 2019

A YouTube spokesperson told BuzzFeed that “[a]s part of our ongoing efforts to build a better news experience on YouTube, we are expanding our information panels to bring fact checks from eligible publishers to YouTube.” While this…

Alexander Hall | March 5, 2019

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt spoke recently about how he has worked with Silicon Valley tech elites to crush speech he finds offensive.

In a February 26 panel hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations, Greenblatt announced that he has…

Alexander Hall | March 5, 2019

When Google investigated itself for gender wage gaps, it found a result few would have expected: it was underpaying men for doing the same general work as women. 

Google’s “pay equity analysis” released on Monday…

Corinne Weaver | February 19, 2019

Google is engaged in partisan warfare. And it picked the liberal side, choosing to work with two of the most prominent liberal outlets in the U.S. — The New York Times and Washington Post.

The company detailed its efforts to fight…

Alexander Hall | February 18, 2019

The U.S. and United Kingdom governments have funded an artificial intelligence project to target so-called “grossly offensive” anti-PC speech and “predict” when people will commit “hate crimes.”

The $2,…

Alexander Hall | February 11, 2019

Apple and Google have both been accused of enabling “gender apartheid” by allowing an app which allows Saudi men to track their wives or family and prevent them from leaving the country. 

Apple iTunes and Google Play both…