
Alexander Hall | February 11, 2019

While the left is quick to sneer at conservative concerns about bias in the algorithms that operate major tech sites, they freely acknowledge the algorithms are biased in other ways..

Newly elected U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…

Alexander Hall | January 30, 2019

A Google executive sparked backlash from LGBT- supporting  employees after using the term “family” in an internal presentation.

The Daily Caller exposed a 2017 incident where Google was in uproar over a “family…

Corinne Weaver | January 23, 2019

One of the world’s biggest tech companies funds one of the most prominent anti-conservative groups in the United States.

Google’s charitable branch has donated $250,000 to the Southern Poverty Law Center, since 2016…

Corinne Weaver | January 17, 2019

Apparently George Soros does not want major tech companies to work with the U.S. government.

The ACLU and nine other Soros funded groups joined with a coalition of 85 nonprofit groups to demand that major tech companies limit what they…

Alexander Hall | January 8, 2019

A jaded Google insider allegedly revealed how the company conspired to fire Google engineer James Damore. 

Damore made headlines in 2017 when he was fired from his engineering job by Google for writing a memo criticizing the extreme…

Alexander Hall | December 18, 2018

Google is apparently abandoning its attempt to create a search engine for the Chinese market -- an effort that both tarnished its public image and caused massive internal conflict.

The communist Chinese government wanted a search engine…

Corinne Weaver | December 17, 2018

A new study has claimed Russia’s online interference tried to aid the conservative movement and Donald Trump. There’s a big problem with that assessment. It comes from a left-wing operation that previously classified more than 11…

Alexander Hall | December 12, 2018

Liberal media companies from tech to culture blogs have united to deny conservative claims and to argue Big Tech bias is “fake news.”

The comments came in response to the Capitol Hill questioning of Google CEO Sundar Pichai.…

Alexander Hall | December 12, 2018

Republicans hit back hard at Google bias yesterday on Capitol Hill. Google CEO Sundar Pichai testified before Congress and tried to defend his company’s reputation against accusations of bias, censorship, and spying on Americans.

Corinne Weaver | December 11, 2018

Google’s CEO came to the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Dec.11, but was unwilling to play 21 questions.

Five House representatives, from both political parties, asked CEO Sundar Pichai questions about Google’s…

Corinne Weaver | December 11, 2018

Google had a loud defender in the House Judiciary Committee — interestingly the company is also is his top donor.

During the House Judiciary Committee hearing where Google CEO Sundar Pichai was testifying, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)…

Alexander Hall | December 5, 2018

Libertarian TV personality and former ABC reporter John Stossel says Youtube placed age restrictions on a video he published about socialism. The restrictions were later removed, but the fact they occurred is part of a trend that concerns…

Corinne Weaver | December 4, 2018

Wikipedia is considered by many in the media to be “the Internet’s greatest store of knowledge.” But what happens when that knowledge is compromised?

The information library is under siege from hackers who radically…

Alexander Hall | December 3, 2018

New York’s State Senate is considering a bill that will allow the government to investigate a citizen’s social media and search engine history before the sale of a handgun. 

The bill, proposed by Democrat Kevin Parker,…

Alexander Hall | November 29, 2018

With concerns about tech bias dominating the news cycle, Google wants to remove its information panel from search engine results.

The Knowledge Panel, generated primarily by crowd-sourced information website Wikipedia, is often the first…

Alexander Hall | November 28, 2018

Google CEO Sundar Pichai is heading to Congress to answer accusations his company censors conservatives, as well as respond to reports that the firm will create a censored search engine just for China.

While Pichai has travelled to…

Alexander Hall | November 13, 2018

Google has been under fire for complying with foreign governments’ totalitarian policies.

In an New York Times interview, Google CEO Sundar Pichai tried to combat internal and external backlash against the company’s accomodations to China…

Corinne Weaver | October 25, 2018

Liberal activist organizations seem to have plenty of leverage with social media and tech companies these days.

According to a letter sent from Breitbart’s attorney to lefty group Sleeping Giants, Google must have taken the liberal…

Corinne Weaver | October 17, 2018

Is Google News neutral? Not according to a new report that studied the issue and determined that its results were skewed liberal.

AllSides, a media technology group, spent two weeks analyzing Google News’ homepage and determined…

NB Staff | October 10, 2018

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell responded today to news of a leaked internal report from Google that suggested in order to prevent certain political events, tech companies would have to start censoring web content.
