
Gabriela Pariseau | January 27, 2023

Google erased Project Veritas from search results, once again hiding information from the American public.  

Project Veritas released a video that allegedly showed Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development claiming the…

Paiten Iselin | January 26, 2023

Roe v. Wade may be history, but the fight for the rights of the unborn is far from over. Big Tech continues to flex its pro-abortion muscles, targeting pro-life activists and groups.

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins…

Autumn Johnson | January 26, 2023

Facebook and Twitter are coming to Google’s defense in a lawsuit that could have a great impact on content moderation online.

Bloomberg Law reported last week that the companies recently filed their own legal briefs in an upcoming case,…

Autumn Johnson | January 26, 2023

It appears Google's sordid manipulation of users has even run afoul of leftists it has attempted to ingratiate itself with.

Politico reported on Tuesday that the Biden administration’s Justice Department joined California, New York,…

Paiten Iselin | January 20, 2023

The U.S. Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs opinion marked a landmark win in the fight for the life of the preborn. Yet Big Tech has refused to budge on its pro-abortion stance.

Social media platforms have banned, fact-…

Gabriela Pariseau | January 20, 2023

Looking for information on “pregnancy”? Google’s got just the website for you: America’s largest baby-killing organization, Planned Parenthood.

MRC Free Speech America researchers analyzed Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo search results for…

Catherine Salgado | January 19, 2023

The Federal Election Commission just dismissed a complaint from several Republican entities saying Google’s Gmail spam filter was biased in favor of Democrats, constituting a potential in-kind contribution to Democrat campaigns. The evidence,…

Paiten Iselin | January 13, 2023

Elon Musk’s release of the Twitter Files exposed Twitter’s bloated censorship apparatus and pervasive collusion with federal government agencies. But those documents are just the tip of the censorship iceberg.

Longtime Big Tech critic Rep…

Joseph Vazquez | January 6, 2023

The liberal Columbia Journalism Review may now want to consider retracting its 2019 screed dismissing Big Tech bias against conservatives as a “myth” that “refuses to die.”

CJR’s August 2019 propaganda was plastered with a blaring…

Paiten Iselin | December 30, 2022

2022 was quite the year for free speech. Before we officially enter the new year, let’s take a look back at the top seven best – and worst – free speech moments of 2022. This is not intended to serve as a ranked list, but to highlight the seven…

Paiten Iselin | December 27, 2022

While airing out Twitter’s dirty anti-free-speech laundry, new platform CEO Elon Musk exposed Big Tech for its routine collusion with the federal government as it attempts to censor Americans.

A Twitter Files thread released by journalist…

Gabriela Pariseau | December 23, 2022

Big Tech continued to silence and restrict American free speech in 2022 but Media Research Center heavily tracked its censorship spree throughout the year. 

“The left has claimed that Big Tech censoring conservatives was a wild…

Catherine Salgado | December 21, 2022

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec called out the damage wreaked by Big Tech censorship in a speech Tuesday at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest. 

“We are going to take this satanic machine that you have built to try to control our…

Catherine Salgado | December 16, 2022

Google joined forces with a rapper to produce a video telling Americans to buy everything from “black-owned” businesses, effectively objectifying minorities.

LBRY CEO Jeremy Kauffman tweeted December 15, “Google has launched a new…

Gabriela Pariseau | December 12, 2022

Google once again tried to manipulate undecided voters with slanted search results.

This time the Big Tech company’s tactics seem to have benefited incumbent Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock in the hotly contested Georgia runoff…

Brian Bradley | December 5, 2022

Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard lambasted Google for directly  interfering with American elections, and warned that Americans should be fully aware of the extent of tech giant’s meddling.

“People need to know…

Catherine Salgado | December 1, 2022

Big Tech giant Google is bankrolling the propaganda industry known as “fact-checking” to the tune of $13.2 million for a new fact-check fund, the behemoth announced Tuesday.

The money will go to the Poynter Institute’s notorious…

Catherine Salgado | December 1, 2022

Big Tech giant Google is bankrolling the propaganda industry known as “fact-checking” to the tune of $13.2 million for a new fact-check fund, the behemoth announced Tuesday.

The money will go to the Poynter Institute’s notorious…

Jeffrey Clark | November 18, 2022

After reportedly tricking users on their privacy settings, Google agreed to pay a record $391.5 million privacy settlement resulting from a lawsuit filed by 40 states against the tech giant.

After “charges that [Google] misled users into…

Paiten Iselin | November 11, 2022

Google searches may not be as autonomous as you think. In reality, it appears the platform feeds users a carefully curated narrative based on the information the company does – and does not – want them to see.

On this week’s episode of…