
Brian Bradley | November 10, 2022

Big Tech companies and their employees continued to heavily donate to leftist candidates this election cycle. On average, firms and their employees sent Democrats 89.6 percent of their overall federal campaign contributions.


Jeffrey Clark | November 8, 2022

What do some of the world’s most powerful Big Tech oligarchs and nearly 30 rabidly pro-censorship organizations have in common? They all share an apparent disdain for free speech and received a total of $80,233,084 from liberal billionaire George…

NB Staff | November 8, 2022

“Google is manipulating information.” Media Research Center President Brent Bozell demanded Google be held accountable for its anti-American and anti-free-speech attempts at influencing American elections during a Monday segment on Fox Business…

Brian Bradley | November 2, 2022

Google is burying the campaign websites of its fiercest critics on Capitol Hill. 

Shortly after MRC Free Speech America released its study showing that Google suppressed Senate Republicans’ campaign websites in its search results, it…

Brian Bradley | October 28, 2022

On Tuesday, MRC Free Speech America released a study “Google CAUGHT Manipulating Search, Buries GOP Campaign Sites in 83% of Top Senate Races” that showed Google manipulated data to suppress and censor Republicans in key Senate races at a time…

Joseph Vazquez | October 27, 2022

Woke Inc. author Vivek Ramaswamy reacted to a new MRC Free Speech America study by ripping Big Tech giant Google for manipulating search results to favor Democrats in highly contested senate races.

The Strive Asset Management executive…

Catherine Salgado | October 26, 2022

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) took to Fox Business to slam Google for its political “preferencing that they do in the search engine.” She based her remarks on Media Research Center’s new study on Google’s search bias against Republican candidates…

Joseph Vazquez | October 26, 2022

The geniuses at Newsweek tried to toss the leftists at Google a lifeline by issuing a ridiculous “fact check” of MRC Free Speech America’s latest study showing Google manipulating search results to benefit Democrats in top senate races. …

Gabriela Pariseau | October 25, 2022

Anti-Democracy Google is manipulating search results to bury Senate Republican candidates’ campaign websites before the 2022 midterm elections. This comes on the heels of a North Carolina State University study that found that Google’s Gmail…

Brian Bradley | October 24, 2022

The Republican National Committee filed a lawsuit Friday asking a California court to require Google to stop sending hordes of Republican politicians’ campaign emails to Gmail users’ spam folders.

The RNC alleged seven counts against…

Autumn Johnson | October 20, 2022

Google is once again accused of manipulating users and their data for the company’s own gain.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton alleged in a lawsuit Thursday that Google collected biometric data without user consent. A press release from…

Autumn Johnson | October 15, 2022

Google will now allow the Truth Social App on its Google Play store after previously banning it.

Truth Social is the social media platform created by former President Donald Trump to rival Twitter. 

Axios reported Wednesday…

Joseph Vazquez | October 14, 2022

Liberal billionaire George Soros funded groups that are now urging the heads of major Big Tech platforms to step up their censorship just before the 2022 midterm elections.

The Soros-funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights…

Paiten Iselin | October 7, 2022

Global elites think they’re smarter than you. And they’re actively working with Big Tech platforms to control what you see and say online.

A few weeks ago, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held a “Tackling Disinformation” panel.…

Joseph Vazquez | October 6, 2022

Google showed users how much it supports Warner Bros. taking the classic Scooby-Doo TV series and turning one of its core characters into a rainbow mafia symbol of the woke left.

The New York Times slobbered in an Oct. 5 story that the…

Brian Bradley | October 3, 2022

The Republican National Committee told MRC Free Speech America on Monday that Gmail suppressed over 22 million GOP get-out-the-vote and fundraising emails Wednesday through Friday.

Gmail sent more than 3.1 million RNC emails to users’…

Brian Bradley | October 3, 2022

Thirty-nine House Republicans joined over 200 of their Democrat peers to vote in support of legislation to strengthen enforcement against Big Tech, indicating that Americans are hungry for action to hold Big Tech accountable.

The State…

Joseph Vazquez | October 3, 2022

The leftist Big Tech overlords may finally face a day of reckoning as the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to the Section 230 law that governs how tech platforms moderate free speech.

SCOTUSblog tweeted Oct. 3 that SCOTUS…

Brian Bradley | September 29, 2022

UPDATE: Since posting this story, CPAC spokesperson Alex Pfeiffer told MRC Free Speech America that YouTube has removed another day of proceedings from the CPAC Texas event held in Dallas Aug. 4-7. Initially, YouTube had only removed the…

Catherine Salgado | September 6, 2022

“They basically outsourced the tyranny.” co-founder Dave Rubin made that statement Saturday night on the Fox News Channel about recent government actions to coordinate with Big Tech on censorship.