
Corinne Weaver | July 9, 2019

More than three-fourths of conservatives don’t trust Facebook. The social media has been battling controversy after controversy about restricting conservative content.

This is part of the findings of a new poll, conducted by…

Corinne Weaver | July 5, 2019

Facebook’s past policies may have implicated innocent users in some controversial activities. 

A ProPublica story went viral July 1 about a secret Facebook group with almost 9,500 members. The group was accused by the Soros-…

Corinne Weaver | July 3, 2019

Facebook’s new anti-violence policies have not yet applied to some of the most controversial and potentially dangerous users on its platform: the domestic terrorist group Antifa. 

At least 119 regional Antifa groups and pages…

Alexander Hall | July 1, 2019

Hate preacher Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam organization’s pages were deplatformed from Facebook on May 2 during its purge of “hate speech.” While most remain banished, Facebook strangely has allowed one dedicated to…

Corinne Weaver | July 1, 2019

Facebook released an update of its  so-called “civil rights” audit June 30. The results did not bode well for conservatives, as the company committed to work with left-wing groups in every facet of its business. 


Corinne Weaver | July 1, 2019

Facebook wants to solve its censorship problems and build more transparency with its Content Oversight Board. But the attempt in itself could cause more problems than Facebook already has. 

The company released a report June 27…

Alexander Hall | June 28, 2019

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg doesn’t even pretend to be neutral. She donated $1 million to Planned Parenthood’s abortion advocacy to aid ‘marginalized,’ ‘women of color.’

HuffPost quoted Sandberg in a June 28 article, where she said “I…

Corinne Weaver | June 27, 2019

Facebook, a country with a population of 2.38 billion, is building a “Supreme Court” to oversee them. 

The social media platform released a report in a June 27 blog post that detailed the results of its workshops and…

Alexander Hall | June 27, 2019

Democratic leaders have not only accused social media of enabling misinformation, but speculated Big Tech companies profit from it. 

Politicians on both sides of the aisle raked social media over the coals at a June 26 hearing before…

Alexander Hall | June 24, 2019

An Antifa-related activist group called “All Out DC” has been putting up posters with the personal information of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, as well as other free speech figures, in an effort to “Block the Alt-Right.”

The group’s…

Alexander Hall | June 20, 2019

In the wake of terror attacks, Big Tech companies are being taken to task over content policing.

The June 26 hearing before the House Homeland Security Committee will feature testimonies from Facebook, Twitter, and Google’s parent…

Corinne Weaver | June 18, 2019

Facebook has long banned any use of cryptocurrency on its platform. Now all that has changed — because Facebook is doing it.

The company launched a subsidiary called Calibra on June 18, which will oversee Facebook’s new…

Alexander Hall | June 17, 2019

Facebook, which no longer funds CPAC, is now sponsoring an upcoming far-left convention.

Netroots and its convention event Netroots Nation, originally founded by the far-left blogosphere during the Bush era, has enjoyed a renaissance amid…

Corinne Weaver | June 17, 2019

Facebook is making a desperate attempt to push a Pollyanna philosophy on its users. This might backfire.

In a June 14 blog post, Facebook announced an update to its policy. “We’re always working to ensure that people’s…

Alexander Hall | June 5, 2019

An incident where a Facebook employee gave private info to a predatory journalist has free speech advocates up in arms. 

“Do we want to be on platforms that are just waiting to release our private information to places of…

Alexander Hall | June 4, 2019

While the United States is blasting Big Tech for censoring conservative speech, the European Union is mulling a similar crackdown on “offensive content.”

Europe has been putting pressure on tech companies for a variety of…

Corinne Weaver | May 31, 2019

The tech industry is slowly circling conservative media and preparing to strike.

An advertising program manager for Microsoft responded to an op-ed by New York Times contributor Farhad Manjoo, agreeing that Fox News was a “million…

Alexander Hall | May 29, 2019

Big Tech companies say Iranian hackers used social media to interfere with the American 2018 midterm election.

A group of anonymous hackers infiltrated social media sites in April 2018 to influence the midterm elections. According to…

Journalists freaked out over a slowed-down video that made Nancy Pelosi look silly and have sparked a debate over what videos should and shouldn’t be permitted online. The result was a pile-on with the media calling for speech to be…

Alexander Hall | May 23, 2019

Palmer Luckey’s firing proves that even the most talented of tech wizards can be purged for wrongthink.

The founder of Oculus and a former Facebook employee, Luckey joked in a May 22 CNBC interview about his 2017 firing: “I…