
Alexander Hall | May 22, 2019

Rising conservative star to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) scorched social media as a waste of time as well as an “addictive drug.” 

Hawley blasted social media as a blight on American society in a May 22 opinion piece for…

Corinne Weaver | May 22, 2019

While Democrats ironically call for Facebook to be broken up, one would never know from looking at their campaign receipts.

In the course of 22 days, Democrats running for president have outspent Trump on social media ads by 5-to-1. Axios…

Alexander Hall | May 20, 2019

Facebook’s COO claims that breaking up the company will put America at a disadvantage to China.

During a May 17 CNBC interview with Julia Boorstin, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg tried to dodge government regulation by appealing…

Corinne Weaver | May 20, 2019

The Women’s March has a new agenda item: to delete all signs of President Donald Trump from social media.

On May 20, the left-wing activist organization prepared 300,000 signatures as a petition to ban Trump, to be delivered at…

Corinne Weaver | May 17, 2019

Turning Point USA's Candace Owens was recently handed a seven-day suspension from Facebook for a post that “violated Community Standards.” Owens tweeted a screenshot of her suspension. The original post said, “Black…

Alexander Hall | May 16, 2019

The White House has announced a new system that gives Americans the power to call out foul play by tech companies.  

As of May 15 it read, “SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS should advance FREEDOM OF SPEECH.” 

“Too many Americans…

Corinne Weaver | May 15, 2019

Once again, Facebook’s liberal political tilt is showing. The platform has censored the latest blatant anti-semitic comments from Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

Former Democrat New York state assemblyman Dov Hikind…

Corinne Weaver | May 15, 2019

The White House slammed both Google and Facebook over the First Amendment when it passed on a New Zealand plea for censorship of online content.

The Washington Post reported that while other foreign powers sign on to the Christchurch Call…

Corinne Weaver | May 14, 2019

In order to win the hearts and votes of liberals everywhere, Democratic presidential candidates are now saying that they will break up or regulate Facebook.

After Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes wrote an May 9 op-ed calling for Facebook…

Alexander Hall | May 14, 2019

An upcoming  documentary will explore five people who have been shut down and silenced on social media.

The official Twitter account @CensorshipMovie tweeted a trailer of the documentary May 12. The caption read: “Five high…

Corinne Weaver | May 10, 2019

Facebook banned Rev. Louis Farrakhan for his rampant anti-Semitism. So how come the video of him speaking about “Satanic Jews” is still live on the platform?

The leader of the Nation of Islam spoke in front of an audience at…

Alexander Hall | May 7, 2019

Recently deplatformed activist Laura Loomer showed up to Facebook’s lobby on May 3, skewering the company for showing solidarity for everybody but Jewish and Christian people.

A poster, possibly handmade by a local worker, hangs in…

Corinne Weaver | May 6, 2019

CNN is ready to push Big Tech into banning President Donald Trump -- as a “dangerous” person.

Facebook and Instagram banned six individuals and all links to conspiracy website InfoWars as “dangerous” last week. Trump retweeted tweets from…

Corinne Weaver | May 3, 2019

Facebook has a way of labelling and categorizing ideologies and individuals that it has banned. But how does it view other groups it hasn’t banished?

On May 2, Facebook banned Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam,…

Alexander Hall | May 3, 2019

Instagram and its parent company Facebook have purged several what it called “extremist” figures ranging from controversial Jewish activist Laura Loomer to anti-Semitic hate preacher Rev. Louis Farrakhan. 

In the latest…

Corinne Weaver | May 3, 2019

Social media has been consistently banning people based on liberal complaints. But when it bans someone championed by liberal Hollywood and the Democrats, suddenly everyone becomes a free-speech advocate.

After Minister Louis Farrakhan…

Corinne Weaver | April 29, 2019

Facebook seems to struggle with the concept of transparency, especially when it comes to how it goes about banning and censoring content.

The mystery was somewhat illuminated when a journalist from the The Telegraph (U.K.)was allowed to…

Corinne Weaver | April 25, 2019

Apparently it’s easier to just pay fines than it is to make active changes to a site’s privacy policies — when your Big Tech company is big enough.

In the last quarter, Facebook pulled in more than $15 billion in revenue…

Corinne Weaver | April 25, 2019

Facebook is subtly trying to discredit conservative media as “conspiracy theories” and it’s using Wikipedia to do it.

The company’s latest policy update, “Expanding Our Fact-Checking Program,” included…

Alexander Hall | April 24, 2019

One way to fight Big Tech tyranny might be a new Texas bill that aims to stop companies from discriminating against conservative viewpoints. 

The bill by Republican state Sen. Bryan Hughes would prevent Big Tech companies from…