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The GOP thinks that fighting Big Tech censorship might be a winning election issue. So much so, that the party is surveying voters about the issue as part of a nationwide grassroots effort.

Former D.C. bureau chief for Investor's Business Daily and author Paul Sperry tweeted “BREAKING: New RNC questionnaire mailed to voters nationwide asks: ‘Do you believe social media companies are suppressing conservative messages in order to influence public opinion and elections?’”

Earlier, Sperry had tweeted: “BREAKING: In new mass mailer,RCN [sic] Chair Ronna McDaniel soliciting pro-Trump volunteers & donors in ‘the largest Congressional District Census our Party has ever taken for a presidential election’ in order to build ‘a nationwide, activist network second to none’ for Nov GOTV effort.”

He also observed that “BREAKING: RNC in new congressional district census recruiting pro-Trump volunteers/$ to ‘invest heavily in opposition research ... grassroots organizing’ ahead of Nov. 3 election to reelect Trump, take back House and stop Dems from enacting ‘their Big Government Socialist agenda.’”

The Federalist’s culture editor Emily Jashinsky responded via tweet to the announcement by linking back to a blog she wrote “Don’t Minimize Conservative Concerns About Big Tech Censorship.” This blog touched upon how Big Tech, as she described in her tweet, “is now a kitchen table issue for Republicans.”


She cited how a Media Research Center/McLaughlin & Associates poll which was “conducted less than a year ago found that 65 percent of self-described conservatives ‘believe social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are intentionally censoring conservatives and conservative ideas from their sites.’”

This same survey also found that “66 percent ‘said they do not trust Facebook to treat all of its users equally regardless of their political beliefs.’ But less than 7 percent said they stopped using Facebook ‘because of its censorship of conservatives.’”

The blog later quoted a survey by Pew Research Center, which found that “Republicans and Republican leaners are around twice as likely as Democrats to say [major technology companies] are less ethical than others (30% vs. 16%).” Jashinsky’s blog remarked on how this survey “also found 44 percent of Republicans and Republican leaners believe those companies should be regulated more than they are currently.”
