
Alexander Hall | June 8, 2021

Reported Facebook insider Morgan Kahmann said he was fired from the platform after he exposed its “Vaccine Hesitancy” algorithm. However, Kahmann raised money for his family using Christian crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo in response.

Kayla Sargent | June 7, 2021

Facebook’s insane censorship practices have continued for long enough for at least one Republican senator. 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) bashed Facebook’s hypocrisy regarding COVID-19 and its origin on the Fox News show Sunday Morning…

“Facebook’s ruling on former President Donald Trump is just the latest evidence that Big Tech wields far too much power,” Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell declared. “Leftist Facebook executives weren’t satisfied with interfering…

Casey Ryan | June 3, 2021

Big Tech continued to silence Americans and conservative politicians who disagreed with the woke elite ruling class in May. Facebook and YouTube made it especially clear that they are willing to work tirelessly to censor the people attempting to…

Joseph Vazquez | June 3, 2021

So much for the facts. A U.K.-based fact-checking outlet financed by liberal billionaire George Soros tried as early as February 2020, to swat down the idea that COVID-19 had leaked from a laboratory in communist China.

Full Fact…

Alec Schemmel | June 2, 2021

Facebook has had no reservations about censoring conservative accounts. Yet, it allows accounts of state-controlled propaganda outlets from the genocidal regime of China to flourish. Forty accounts on Facebook, amassing over 751 million followers…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 1, 2021

A recent survey conducted by the leftist Public Religion Research Institute associated the COVID-19 laboratory leak hypothesis with QAnon conspiracy theories. 

The leftist Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), a nonprofit…

Autumn Johnson | May 28, 2021

Facebook has decided to resume political donations — excluding conservative Republican members of Congress like Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Josh Hawley, Rep. Jim Jordan, and Rep. Steve Scalise.

The social media giant says it will no longer give…

Alexander Hall | May 28, 2021

Alleged Facebook insider Morgan Kahmann went public in an interview with Project Veritas to reportedly expose Facebook’s system to crack down on COVID vaccine criticism.

“One of two Facebook Insiders featured in Project Veritas’ recent #…

Alexander Hall | May 27, 2021

A day after Facebook backtracked on its policy of censoring content that questioned the origins of COVID-19, the platform declared it was launching a new wave of censorship on content it qualifies as “misinformation” using its so-called “…

Kayla Sargent | May 27, 2021

Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell slammed the “fraudulent” Facebook fact-checker program for spreading communist Chinese propaganda after Facebook announced it was backtracking on its policy of censoring content that questioned the…

Alexander Hall | May 27, 2021

Conservative commentator Candace Owens said her Facebook account was silenced for 24 hours after inquiring whether COVID-19 vaccines were pushed too hastily.

After Facebook allegedly censored her page, Owens took to Twitter in a May 25…

Gabriela Pariseau | May 26, 2021

Project Veritas may have just exposed Facebook — again. This time, Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe alleged that Facebook documents detailed an algorithm test that targeted users concerned about COVID-19 vaccinations.

Project Veritas…

Alexander Hall | May 26, 2021

Comedian, actor and commentator Russell Brand interviewed independent journalist Glenn Greenwald and raked Big Tech companies over the coals for interfering with the 2020 election. 

“Did the media and social media conspire together…

Kayla Sargent | May 26, 2021

Throughout the pandemic, Big Tech censored mountains of claims that COVID-19 may have originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Now, however, new evidence has made the laboratory origin claim a more widely accepted theory.

Senator …

Alexander Hall | May 25, 2021

Have you no shame? Facebook VP of Global Affairs Nick Clegg wrote an opinion piece calling to spread the American value of free expression after a year of unprecedented censorship.

After Facebook’s infamous year of censoring then-sitting…

Kayla Sargent | May 24, 2021

Facebook recently took the opportunity in a new report to brag about how much content it has censored.

The Big Tech company released its quarterly Community Standards Enforcement Report. Facebook VP of Integrity Guy Rosen noted in the…

Kayla Sargent | May 19, 2021

Facebook deplatformed a pro-Israel page with “75 million followers” after the page appeared to be the target of “anti-Semitic” attacks — flooding the page with one million comments that included photos of Hitler. 

Facebook shut down…

NB Staff | May 18, 2021

On Tuesday morning, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released an open letter to Facebook President Mark Zuckerberg about the site’s alleged neutrality. Bozell explained that recent statements by a member of the Board of Trustees for…

Alexander Hall | May 18, 2021

Facebook can do whatever it wants, it’s a “private company” that obeys “Silicon Valley values.” That’s the position of Facebook Oversight Board trustee Kristina Arriaga, who defended the decision to keep former President Donald Trump suspended —…