
Alexander Hall | May 14, 2021

Facebook has rolled out a new pop-up to dissuade users from sharing so-called misinformation.

Facebook released yet another stopgap to prevent what could be seen by some as possible misinformation. “Starting today, we’re testing a way to…

Kayla Sargent | May 11, 2021

The National Association of Attorneys General had to urge Facebook to drop a potentially “harmful” project targeted at kids. Apparently, Facebook needs to be encouraged to protect children online. 

Attorneys general from 44 states…

Kayla Sargent | May 11, 2021

Nearly all major social media platforms banned former President Donald Trump in January after he called for “peace” following the Capitol riot. A new study from the Pew Research Center revealed just how controversial the bans were to the American…

Craig Bannister | May 10, 2021

“These companies have too much power,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) said Monday, calling for Congress to break the stranglehold giant platforms like Facebook and Twitter have on social media freedom of speech.

Powerful social media…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | May 10, 2021

On May 5, the Facebook Oversight Board made the executive “decision” to not really make a decision at all. After a suspension to former president Donald Trump’s Facebook account, the left wing and primarily international board made the cowardly…

Craig Bannister | May 7, 2021

“Do the operators of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter edit their content in a fair and balanced way, or are they politically biased in the decisions they make?”

Nationally, 59% of likely U.S. Voters say operators at social…

Kayla Sargent | May 7, 2021

UPDATE: Ilyse Hogue, president of the pro-baby killing National Abortion Rights Action League Pro-Choice America (NARAL), took credit for helping Facebook deplatform LifeSiteNews in a tweet. “Big news: Facebook deplatformed LifeSiteNews this week…

Craig Bannister | May 6, 2021

“BIG TECH on the MOVE! Twitter just suspended my Communications Director,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) tweeted early Thursday morning.

Rep. Stefanik called the suspension of Communications Director Karoline Leavitt’s Twitter account “an…

Kayla Sargent | May 6, 2021

An alleged “vaccine safety” organization has fought to have its case against Facebook censorship heard in court. 

The Children’s Health Defense (CHD) appeared in court May 5 to fight a motion to dismiss its lawsuit against Facebook,…

Heather Moon | May 6, 2021

The Facebook Oversight Board upheld Facebook’s decision to suspend former President Donald Trump’s Facebook account. The Board also chastised Facebook for assessing a “vague, standardless penalty.” The ruling confirmed the Media Research Center’s…

Casey Ryan | May 5, 2021

Facebook can continue its ban of former President Donald Trump, but the company has ignored prominent leftists on its platform who have called for violence and unrest.

Facebook’s Oversight Board punted Trump’s suspension back to Facebook…

Alec Schemmel | May 5, 2021

Former President Donald Trump did not take the recent decision by the Facebook Oversight Board lying down. Trump blasted Big Tech as “a total disgrace” in a statement following the Board’s decision to at least temporarily uphold a ban on his…

Alexander Hall | May 5, 2021

Conservative leaders and free speech advocates torched Facebook’s Oversight Board for its decision on former President Donald Trump’s Facebook account. The Board upheld the deplatforming of Trump — for now.

Conservatives did not mince…

Kayla Sargent | May 5, 2021

In a massive blow to free speech online, the Facebook Oversight Board decided to uphold the platform’s ban of former President Donald Trump. But with limits.

The Board “upheld” Facebook’s decision to ban Trump after more than three months…

Autumn Johnson | May 4, 2021

The Heritage Foundation has promised to no longer to accept financial support from Big Tech companies so long as the platforms suppress conservative viewpoints. 

Heritage previously rejected a $225,000 donation from Google and…

Alexander Hall | May 4, 2021

Facebook’s notoriously liberal Oversight Board has reportedly made its decision over whether former President Donald Trump will be allowed to use the platform again.

The choice is a clear one. Will the board, created to promote “free…

Casey Ryan | May 3, 2021

Big Tech worked hard to silence Americans who disagreed with the woke Silicon Valley ruling class in April. Facebook, Twitter and Google censored prominent conservatives for simply exercising their First Amendment rights.

Big Tech…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | April 29, 2021

What ever happened to laughter being the best medicine? Big Tech’s ever-vigilant information watchdogs have no sense of humor and consistently attack any and all information they disagree with. The Babylon Bee has been on the censorship chopping…

Alexander Hall | April 28, 2021

At least one of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s organizations has partnered with former President George W. Bush to push for mass migration that favors the left and Big Tech corporations.

Bush teamed up with a Big Tech CEO to push for mass…

Kayla Sargent | April 27, 2021

Conservatives have raised the alarm about Big Tech censorship for years. But now a far-left senator has admitted that Big Tech’s power may be a problem.

Newly elected Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA) spoke out against Facebook’s power in an April…