Donald Trump

Joseph Vazquez | September 10, 2020

National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow slammed the ridiculous “ankle-biting” leftists whining that the economic recovery has been helping rich people and not Americans in lower class strata.

During a September…

Joseph Vazquez | September 9, 2020

The New York Times tried to shift goalposts to claim that the Federal Reserve was responsible for President Donald Trump’s roaring pre-pandemic economy. 

That’s wildly different from the “economic disaster” The Times…

Corinne Weaver, Kayla Sargent | September 9, 2020

Twitter isn’t just more favorable to the left — it’s wildly more supportive. The company’s trend-setting Twitter Moments account gave massively more favorable attention to the Democrat National Convention over the Republican convention.

Kayla Sargent | September 8, 2020

Twitter censors edited videos that the right tweets on the platform, but Twitter allowed a “deceptively edited” video of Trump to go viral.

Twitter came under fire for its hesitancy to remove a “deceptively edited” video of President…

Joseph Vazquez | September 4, 2020

The ABC, CBS, and NBC morning news shows didn’t give any coverage to the unemployment rate dropping well below expectations into the single digits during their Friday edition programming.

A new Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)…

Alexander Hall | September 3, 2020

Facebook labelled a post by President Donald Trump for teaching Americans how to avoid voter fraud in the 2020 election.

President Trump warned American voters about “the massive number of Unsolicited & Solicited Ballots that will be…

Joseph Vazquez | September 3, 2020

Leftist ACRONYM, the organization behind the Iowa Democratic caucus app fiasco, now has its hyper-partisan news network Courier Newsroom under legal scrutiny.

Watchdog group Americans for Public Trust (APT) filed a legal complaint with…

Joseph Vazquez | September 2, 2020

The Big Three have made it a habit to censor news in the economy and stock market if it even has the slightest chance of making President Donald Trump look good.

BBC noted that Trump’s “2020 pitch is to bring back the economy”…

Joseph Vazquez | August 31, 2020

Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden just contradicted himself by claiming he was “not banning fracking.” Liberal outlet The Hill not only defended it but accused President Donald Trump of falsely stating Biden’s position. 

Joseph Vazquez | August 31, 2020

Economist Stephen Moore blasted Democrat leaders as hypocrites for being against a payroll tax cut idea by President Donald Trump, something they supported under former President Barack Obama.

Moore said in a recently released…

Joseph Vazquez | August 21, 2020

Media-types like CNBC’s Jim Cramer aren't buying the “V-Shaped Recovery," but recent news in the housing market continues to support that perspective.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported that “[e]xisting-home…

Joseph Vazquez | August 21, 2020

Americans for Tax Reform founder Grover Norquist struck down the idea that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s tax hikes will be good for people’s wallets and life savings.

Fox Business Host Stuart Varney questioned…

Joseph Vazquez | August 19, 2020

The Big Three’s ignorance of an astounding market rally reached a climax last night.

The S&P 500 closed at 3,389.78, breaking a record set at its February peak (3,386.15). It eliminated all of its losses taken from the…

Joseph Vazquez | August 18, 2020

The liberal billionaire owner of the pro-China Bloomberg News Michael Bloomberg is set to bleed through another set of millions to help Democrat congressional candidates in November.

The billionaire is currently slated to spend a whopping…

Joseph Vazquez | August 18, 2020

U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt is set to approve oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Liberals and journalists lost their minds.

The Wall Street Journal reported that “[t]he Trump…

Joseph Vazquez | August 17, 2020

 The V-shaped recovery the media said wouldn't happen appears to be happening.

CNBC had reported that U.S. retail sales ticked up 1.2 percent in an August 14 story headlined, “Americans keep buying stuff despite the pandemic — retail…

Joseph Vazquez | August 14, 2020

Here’s a rule of thumb for ABC’s, CBS’s and NBC’s evening news shows: If President Donald Trump’s economy gets good news at all, the Big Three either downplay or ignore it.

Jobless claims had fallen beneath the 1 million…

Joseph Vazquez | August 13, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros has a knack for saying creepy globalist things. His latest comments on the opportunities he sees with the coronavirus pandemic are no exception.

Soros told Italian newspaper La Repubblica in an…

Corinne Weaver | August 12, 2020

Immediately after Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden announced Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his potential vice president, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg stated her support for Harris.

“This is a huge moment for Black women and…

Joseph Vazquez | August 12, 2020

MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi tried to twist Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s remarks to NBC’s Today in March to claim that conservatives have a “fetish” about debt.


Filling in for the insufferable Chris Hayes on the…