Donald Trump

Kayla Sargent | October 6, 2020

Facebook and Twitter have, unsurprisingly, bowed once again to pressure from the left.

Today, Facebook removed, and Twitter placed an interstitial, or filter, on a post from President Donald Trump in which he stated that COVID-19 is less…

Joseph Vazquez | October 5, 2020

New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman actually wasted column space to try to make a “very strong” case for “Bidenomics” following the brawl of a presidential debate September 29.

In a piece headlined, “The Very Strong Case for…

Joseph Vazquez | October 2, 2020

Politico seems to be getting into the habit of hyping up radical leftist groups tied to liberal billionaire George Soros looking to sway American politics.

This time, Politico elevated a group trying to derail President Donald…

Joseph Vazquez | October 1, 2020

Every once and awhile, leftists reveal their anti-capitalist ideology for all to see. Such was the case with former Twitter CEO Richard Costolo on his Twitter account last night.

News had broken that digital currency exchange…

Joseph Vazquez | September 30, 2020

Last night’s presidential brawl of a debate was definitely an eye-opener. 

On the media side, nothing was more eye-opening than The New York Times actually taking the time to fact-check false claims Democratic presidential candidate…

Joseph Vazquez | September 29, 2020

The Hill just did some vomit-inducing PR for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and other Democrats on the economy. It cited economists from an organization that had predicted economic disaster under President Donald Trump in 2016. …

Alexander Hall | September 24, 2020

Big Tech’s reckoning may have finally arrived. The White House hosted a roundtable calling for the overhaul of Section 230, a change which has massive implications for Big Tech and online speech. 

No more “bad faith” moderation! The…

Kayla Sargent | September 23, 2020

President Donald Trump isn’t finished with his fight against Big Tech censorship. 

Trump is planning to meet with several Republican state attorneys general today to urge them to investigate Big Tech censorship of conservatives…

Joseph Vazquez | September 23, 2020

It appears that liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s multimillion-dollar involvement in Florida politics went too far for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

During the September 23 edition of Mornings with Maria on Fox Business, anchor…

Joseph Vazquez | September 22, 2020

It apparently wasn’t enough that  liberal cash cow Michael Bloomberg was spending $100 million to help Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to win Florida.

Now, the billionaire owner of Bloomberg News is trying to solicit…

Joseph Vazquez | September 22, 2020

The Big Three continue to prove themselves to be just obsessed with defeating President Donald Trump, rather than doing their jobs and reporting good news when it comes.

A shocking new Axios report hit yesterday with news that Wall Street…

Joseph Vazquez | September 21, 2020

A jaw-dropping new economic report from Axios reinforced a concept the liberal media never seem to get: never underestimate America or President Donald Trump’s economy.

In a story headlined, “Wall Street: Recession is over,” Axios…

Joseph Vazquez | September 21, 2020

It looks like the harbingers Dr. Robert Epstein had warned the country about regarding liberal Big Tech’s influence in elections are coming true.

Big Tech giant Facebook informed the Media Research Center that it would be partnering with…

Alec Schemmel | September 18, 2020

Facebook’s left-wing fact-checking network, masquerading as unbiased, censored yet another pro-Trump ad. The ad snarkily suggested that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden “accidentally” told the truth in stating that Americans taxes would…

Alexander Hall | September 17, 2020

Twitter proved — again — that it still can’t take a joke. This time the platform labelled a President Donald Trump tweet parody of former Vice President Joe Biden “Manipulated media.”

Biden played “Despacito” at a mid-September rally to…

Joseph Vazquez | September 17, 2020

Journalists can’t handle the truth. The Big Three excuses for evening news shows ignored three major pieces of economic news that happened between September 15 and September 16.

Median household income was “$68,703 in 2019, an…

Joseph Vazquez | September 16, 2020

CNBC’s Jim Cramer may have made a Freudian slip yesterday when he called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy” to her face on live TV. He has since apologized.

But the Twitter woke mob had smelled blood. In response to Cramer’…

Joseph Vazquez | September 15, 2020

CNBC’s Jim Cramer’s insult gaffe to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) may have been a huge Freudian slip.

Cramer expressed his frustration about the ongoing friction between the White House and U.S. Congress on a coronavirus aid…

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2020

It didn’t take long for billionaire and failed presidential candidate Tom Steyer to resume peddling his climate change nonsense. This comes after he spent over $341 million financing his own campaign.

His new schtick? Selling the…

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2020

It’s a wonder if there’s ever an end to the hundreds of millions Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg is willing to bleed through in his attempt to buy the 2020 election for Democrats.

The Washington Post reported that the…