Donald Trump

Kayla Sargent | November 12, 2020

Big Tech has been growing more and more desperate to remind Americans that the media has called the presidential race for former Vice President Joe Biden. 

Instagram has labeled posts from both President Donald Trump and Joe Biden,…

Joseph Vazquez | November 11, 2020

A conservative exodus to Parler from liberal Big Tech platforms has taken place since the chaotic election. The rising social media platform had skyrocketed to become the top app on the App Store.

The reason? Parler CEO John Matze…

Joseph Vazquez | November 9, 2020

After months of being told the economy was a long way off from recovery, the recent data in job gains for the month of October caused Axios to rethink some of those gloom-and-doom predictions.

Of course, now with the liberal…

Alexander Hall | November 9, 2020

President Donald Trump’s tweets may have been impeded by Twitter filters, but now his Twitter presence may face annihilation if former Vice President Joe Biden takes the presidency.

The media can’t wait for Trump to lose his ability to…

Joseph Vazquez | November 9, 2020

Federal Election Commission (FEC) records revealed that liberal billionaire globalist George Soros gave $1 million through his super PAC to a major Big Tech scheme to oust President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

A recent…

Joseph Vazquez | November 6, 2020

Even while the election is still underway, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows still chose to hoodwink viewers by not reporting news of an astounding rally in the jobs market under President Donald Trump’s economy.

The Bureau…

Alexander Hall | November 6, 2020

Facebook has shut down an activist group with pro-Trump ties concerned about voter fraud while still allowing reportedly violent Antifa groups to remain.

Facebook “took down a fast-growing group called ‘Stop the Steal’ that was organizing…

Kayla Sargent | November 5, 2020

Twitter promised on Nov. 2 that it would label tweets that declared a premature victory, but it appears that the platform has escalated to labeling “legal” victories as well. 

The company placed an interstitial, or filter, over…

Joseph Vazquez | November 5, 2020

The harbingers about Twitter’s Orwellian censorship of President Donald Trump and conservatives during the election have already come true. Donation records may help explain the reason.

A recent study found that Facebook…

Kayla Sargent | November 5, 2020

As the nation enters the third day of awaiting the results of the presidential election, Big Tech has entered its third day of censoring posts from President Donald Trump. 

Over the past day, Twitter has placed an interstitial, or…

Joseph Vazquez | November 5, 2020

Economist Stephen Moore joined Fox Business to warn Americans about what Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden would do to the oil and gas industry through his regulatory agenda.

Wednesday afternoon during the Fox Business…

Joseph Vazquez | November 4, 2020

It’s not often when you see a Democratic presidential donor actually concede on live television that America really doesn’t want anything to do with leftist politics.

During the November 4 edition of CNBC’s Squawk Box, CNBC co-…

Kayla Sargent | November 4, 2020

Twitter delivered on its promise to censor tweets that it believed constitutes misinformation. Overall, the platform censored tweets from at least six conservatives’ verified accounts, including President Donald Trump. 

In five of…

Corinne Weaver | November 4, 2020

While no one knows who won the presidential election yet, Twitter employees and other Big Tech players are upset that Republicans even have a fighting chance. 

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey liked a tweet that said, “[Y]ang would have won…

Alexander Hall | November 4, 2020

Twitter continued its war on President Donald Trump by undermining his campaign on election night.

Twitter placed a warning label on the Trump campaign’s election night tweet in which he declared victory in South Carolina. The warning…

Corinne Weaver | November 3, 2020

Twitter couldn’t wait to test its new labeling policy on election night. Several accounts and influencers were given big blue labels after calling a win in certain states for the incumbent, President Donald Trump.

The Trump campaign’s…

Joseph Vazquez | November 3, 2020

Viewers of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows didn’t hear that the pandemic and state-enforced economic shutdowns weren’t enough to preempt the might of U.S. manufacturing in October. Market Watch said manufacturing has hit a "two-year high."…

Joseph Vazquez | November 2, 2020

The CEO of growing social media platform Parler warned Americans on CNBC about Big Tech’s Orwellian censorship against President Donald Trump that will continue right into election night. 

During Monday's edition of…

Alexander Hall | November 2, 2020

Big Tech has worked hard to influence the 2020 presidential election to aid the left.

The major social media sites have restricted conservative content, censored the president of the United States and even silenced content from a major…

Joseph Vazquez | November 2, 2020

The election is tomorrow, and President Donald Trump just notched an unprecedented endorsement from an historically liberal newspaper for his handling of the economy in the key swing state of Pennsylvania.

The Pittsburgh…