
Brian Bradley | October 3, 2022

The Republican National Committee told MRC Free Speech America on Monday that Gmail suppressed over 22 million GOP get-out-the-vote and fundraising emails Wednesday through Friday.

Gmail sent more than 3.1 million RNC emails to users’…

Catherine Salgado | October 3, 2022

The federal government outsourced “misinformation” censorship efforts before and after the 2020 election to four private entities that received millions of dollars worth of federal grants.

Documentation newly released by Just the News…

Joseph Vazquez | October 3, 2022

The leftist Big Tech overlords may finally face a day of reckoning as the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to the Section 230 law that governs how tech platforms moderate free speech.

SCOTUSblog tweeted Oct. 3 that SCOTUS…

Paiten Iselin | September 30, 2022

Payment processing site PayPal seems to have aligned itself with the leftist censorship tactics of its Big Tech counterparts.

Over the past few months, individuals and users such as Gays Against Groomers, UsForThem and the Free Speech…

Brian Bradley | September 29, 2022

UPDATE: Since posting this story, CPAC spokesperson Alex Pfeiffer told MRC Free Speech America that YouTube has removed another day of proceedings from the CPAC Texas event held in Dallas Aug. 4-7. Initially, YouTube had only removed the…

Catherine Salgado | September 28, 2022

After commentator Russell Brand tweeted about being “censored on YouTube,” nationally syndicated radio talk show host Dan Bongino invited Tesla CEO Elon Musk to join alternative video platform Rumble.

Russell Brand tweeted a video on Sept…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2022

Social media influencer An0maly has had it with the leftist social media fact-checkers and decided it was about time to put their ‘evil’ operations on blast in a new documentary.

An0maly’s “MINI DOCUMENTARY” ripped Facebook fact-checking…

Catherine Salgado | September 26, 2022

Facebook and Instagram censored the Media Research Center, slapping an outdated fact-check on an MRC post of a quote criticizing Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s racist views. 

The censorship came just one week after MRC…

Joseph Vazquez | September 26, 2022

The trigger-happy oligarchs at the censorship-obsessed Facebook are apparently so dense they don’t understand satire.

Satire site The Babylon Bee posted a funny photo of Los Angeles Lakers stars LeBron James and Anthony Davis wearing…

Joseph Vazquez | September 23, 2022

The Washington Post found a so-called “whistleblower” connected to liberal billionaire George Soros to stoke hysteria about how former President Donald Trump’s Twitter account threatened the planet.

In a so-called “exclusive,” The Post…

Brian Bradley | September 23, 2022

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday cleared a Big Media “cartel” bill that would protect certain news outlets that band together to negotiate payment terms with tech platforms from antitrust enforcement.

The Journalism Competition…

Catherine Salgado | September 23, 2022

Facebook’s ban of former President Donald Trump may be lifted in January 2023, a company executive suggested in an interview.

Facebook Global Affairs President Nick Clegg told startup news company Semafor during a Sept. 22 event that…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 23, 2022

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) railed against Big Tech’s unfettered power on Thursday and reminded Democrat senators that Big Tech is an unreliable friend that could turn against the left without warning.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee…

Catherine Salgado | September 22, 2022

The Supreme Court may consider a Florida law banning social media censorship after the state’s attorney general petitioned the high court for a ruling on the law.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody and multiple other Florida officials…

Catherine Salgado | September 21, 2022

Big Tech’s recent attempts to ramp up pre-election censorship are not restrictive enough for the leftist New York Times.

A Stern Center for Business and Human Rights at New York University report complained that social media platforms do…

Brian Bradley | September 20, 2022

All six witnesses representing Big Tech companies before a Senate committee last week mentioned “misinformation,” “disinformation” and/or “hate speech.”

Company executives, current and former, associated with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube…

Catherine Salgado | September 20, 2022

Canada’s CBC, a government-funded outlet, pushed increased online censorship to stop “radicalization” -- by conservatives like Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief and political commentator Ben Shapiro.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)…

Brian Bradley | September 20, 2022

Political motivations drove Facebook’s reported spying on users’ private messages in the lead-up to the 2020 election, Brownstone Institute founder and President Jeffrey Tucker told MRC Free Speech America Thursday.

“The collaboration…

Catherine Salgado | September 19, 2022

Three pro-American organizations flayed an NBC News report last week that called for censorship of text messages in one of the latest leftist rallying cries against so-called “disinformation.” 

NBC published a story exaggerating the…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 19, 2022

Snap, the parent company of Snapchat, claimed to have accidentally allowed Republican and Democrat firms to dip into each other’s target audiences for political ads. 

A Snap spokesperson told MRC Free Speech America that the platform…