
Brian Bradley | October 17, 2022

Censored on one platform? No problem. Just buy another. That seems to be the situation for the rapper and fashion designer, “formerly known as Kanye West.”

Parler, on Monday, announced that Ye will acquire Parler from Parlement…

Autumn Johnson | October 14, 2022

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a stay Wednesday that will temporarily prevent a Texas law aimed at protecting free speech online from taking effect.

Passed a year ago, HB 20 would prevent social media companies…

Joseph Vazquez | October 14, 2022

Liberal billionaire George Soros funded groups that are now urging the heads of major Big Tech platforms to step up their censorship just before the 2022 midterm elections.

The Soros-funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights…

Brian Bradley | October 13, 2022

The New York Times is whipping social media companies to censor so-called “misinformation” in non-English languages after supposed “[u]nsubstantiated rumors and outright falsehoods” circulated online before the 2020 presidential election.

Paiten Iselin | October 13, 2022

Legacy media, Big Tech and government agencies are trying to control the election narrative – again.

On this week’s episode of CensorTrack with Paiten, we looked at CNN anchor Jake Tapper’s suggestions that Big Tech censorship had a…

Joseph Vazquez | October 13, 2022

At least two executives at Meta (parent company of Facebook) were accused of participating in a bribery scheme to help elevate the reach of OnlyFans, a company notorious for porn.

A newly revealed court filing exposed two Facebook…

Autumn Johnson | October 13, 2022

Public figures who have consistently called for more censorship online joined a new council Wednesday to “fix” social media.

The Council for Responsible Social Media, a project of Issue One, was publicly launched with their website…

Catherine Salgado | October 12, 2022

It appears that leftist, George Soros-tied PolitiFact is now running interference for a group that worked with the federal government and Big Tech to censor online speech in 2020.

A PolitiFact fact-check from Oct. 11 claimed, “[Election…

Catherine Salgado | October 11, 2022

Popular podcast host Joe Rogan contested the founder of Rolling Stone magazine’s arguments advocating for internet regulation on Rogan’s show.

Rogan told Rolling Stone magazine founder and Publisher Jann Wenner during his Oct. 5 podcast…

Catherine Salgado | October 10, 2022

Follow the science—except when it undermines Big Tech’s favorite narratives. Twitter upheld that precept when it censored but later reinstated a tweet from Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo recommending that young men not get mRNA COVID-…

Joseph Vazquez | October 10, 2022

CNN’s in-house Biden spokesman Jake Tapper had a dyspeptic episode over pesky GOPers who claim Big Tech “rigged” the 2020 election by censoring one of the most important stories in recent years.

The CNN anchor piggybacked on a so-called…

Catherine Salgado | October 7, 2022

The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) is trying to defend its work with the government to censor Americans before and after the 2020 election, an activity that it has not abandoned.

In a statement, EIP defended its work to allow…

Paiten Iselin | October 7, 2022

Global elites think they’re smarter than you. And they’re actively working with Big Tech platforms to control what you see and say online.

A few weeks ago, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held a “Tackling Disinformation” panel.…

Catherine Salgado | October 6, 2022

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may have officially shut down its “Disinformation Governance Board,” but it continues to pour millions of dollars into fighting so-called “misinformation”--and restricting free speech.…

Joseph Vazquez | October 6, 2022

Google showed users how much it supports Warner Bros. taking the classic Scooby-Doo TV series and turning one of its core characters into a rainbow mafia symbol of the woke left.

The New York Times slobbered in an Oct. 5 story that the…

Craig Bannister | October 5, 2022

Following Tuesday’s news that billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s original offer to buy Twitter had been accepted by both parties to the deal, prominent conservatives began tweeting complaints that they had suddenly lost thousands of…

Joseph Vazquez | October 5, 2022

Leave it to the leftist hacks at Mother Jones to wield a George Soros-funded group to wokescold American businesses that donated to those darn 2020 GOP “election deniers.”

Mother Jones railed in an Oct. 3 story headlined “Corporate…

Catherine Salgado | October 5, 2022

American Big Tech platforms Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube allow the authoritarian regimes of China and Russia to spread their anti-American propaganda and lies online to nearly a billion followers. Meanwhile, these same platforms…

Catherine Salgado | October 4, 2022

Three major medical organizations just called on Big Tech platforms to censor, and the Justice Department to prosecute, social media users who object to so-called “gender-affirming care” for children.

The American Medical Association (AMA…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2022

The world’s richest man just shattered the internet again by reportedly agreeing to proceed with his $44 billion acquisition deal for Twitter.

Bloomberg News reported that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is now “proposing to buy Twitter Inc. for the…