
Joseph Vazquez | May 25, 2021

Fox Business host Charles Payne completely tore into corporate America for virtue signaling on social justice issues like racism. 

Payne slammed the faux outrage coming from big businesses pandering to the left. “The bottom line is…

Joseph Vazquez | May 24, 2021

Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Pete Hegseth had one piece of advice to give former President Donald Trump for his upcoming rallies: Hammer President Joe Biden’s disastrous handling of the economy.

Hegseth advised Trump to “look…

Joseph Vazquez | May 20, 2021

There’s an epidemic of abysmal job growth, gas shortages, government money everywhere and spiking inflation. But CBS appeared more upset that landlords were desperate to pay their bills in a recent broadcast.

CBS Evening News whined over…

Joseph Vazquez | May 18, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks didn’t seem to mind New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) monetizing the disastrous way he handled the pandemic in his state. 

The Associated Press (AP) reported that Monday disclosures revealed…

Joseph Vazquez | May 18, 2021

A National Public Radio host tried to spin the atrocious April jobs report numbers by accusing GOP governors of pushing people to go back to work when jobs aren’t available. Fact-check: Millions of jobs were available.

NPR’s All Things…

Joseph Vazquez | May 17, 2021

The New York Times attempted to save President Joe Biden’s political image after a string of abysmal economic news plagued the administration recently.

The Times spun attention away from the gas shortages, spiking inflation and atrocious…

Joseph Vazquez | May 17, 2021

The media have embraced a dystopian vision by encouraging businesses to mandate vaccines as a prerequisite for employment. The woke company Delta Air Lines has reportedly caved to anti-freedom and un-American pressure from the left.

Joseph Vazquez | May 13, 2021

CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen completely tore into the White House’s over-expansive usage of the term “infrastructure” to spend trillions of dollars on leftist wish list items.

Kernen grilled Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg…

Joseph Vazquez | May 13, 2021

Politico hyped a letter to President Joe Biden signed by 18 leftist groups demanding that he bypass GOP lawmakers and inject the economy with trillions of dollars in new spending.

Politico’s story, headlined “John Podesta’s got a message…

Joseph Vazquez | May 12, 2021

Déjà vu? That’s exactly what CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen said he was experiencing when it came to the nightmarish 1970s stagflation and the current state of the U.S. economy under President Joe Biden.

A new report on rising…

Joseph Vazquez | May 12, 2021

A leftist “dark money” group funded with millions of dollars from both liberal billionaires George Soros and “foreign national” Hansjörg Wyss is attempting to make the atrocious and un-American H.R. 1 election overhaul bill a reality.

Joseph Vazquez | May 11, 2021

Fox Business host Charles Payne told the American people what many in the media wouldn’t dare say: Giving people money to not work doesn’t incentivize them to find a job.

Payne scorched the haphazard predictions by economists and the…

Joseph Vazquez | May 7, 2021

Allies of President Joe Biden are apparently so worried about his political future that they decided to compile an entire opposition file on MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.

Politico recently reported that Biden’s political operation has…

Joseph Vazquez | May 7, 2021

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a devastating report on job growth in April. It completely destroyed the media hype about the jobs growth under President Joe Biden. Their glowing job predictions were off by at least 734,000 jobs. Perhaps…

Joseph Vazquez | May 6, 2021

New York Times “The Morning” newsletter writer David Leonhardt claimed President Joe Biden’s massive tax hike proposal was not “radical.” One economist was having none of it.

Leonhardt panned outcries from detractors against Biden’s tax…

Joseph Vazquez | May 3, 2021

A top economist sounded the alarm on the damage President Joe Biden’s Marxist plans will inflict on the economy.

Economist and University of Maryland Professor Emeritus Peter Morici penned a fiery op-ed headlined, “Biden's woke economics…

Joseph Vazquez | April 27, 2021

A newly released poll revealed that Americans aren’t putting up with big business unleashing faux outrage at states attempting to protect their electoral processes.

Rasmussen Reports released a survey of 1,000 American adults showing that…

Joseph Vazquez | April 16, 2021

An asinine Bloomberg op-ed suggested that maybe it’s best if people who lost energy jobs under President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist agenda don’t get the new green jobs he falsely promised at all. 

Bloomberg Opinion Editor Mark…

Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows continued to suffer from a chronic condition of ignorance to news that could damage President Joe Biden’s agenda to hike taxes.

The Business Roundtable (BRT) released a survey April 12 headlined, “…

Joseph Vazquez | April 13, 2021

MyPillow CEO and liberal media target Mike Lindell is launching an online store to combat Big Tech giant Amazon’s hold over e-commerce.

Lindell stated in a video promotion of his venture — called MyStore — on the MyPillow…