
Joseph Vazquez | October 8, 2021

Here we go again! The ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows protected President Joe Biden by censoring another horrible report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS reported at 8:30 a.m. today that the U.S. economy added only…

Joseph Vazquez | October 6, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows ignored climate activist James Murdoch using his company to invest millions of dollars in leftist media this year that promote grotesque content.

Murdoch invested in at least two media companies…

Joseph Vazquez | October 5, 2021

New York Times economist Paul Krugman is rehashing a batty idea that former Daily Show host and comedian Jon Stewart mocked him for over eight years ago.

In a new blog headlined “Wonking Out: Biden Should Ignore the Debt Limit and…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2021

Things just keep getting worse for the liberal media in their efforts to insulate President Joe Biden and his party’s onerous $3.5 trillion budget bill from criticism. Americans are seeing right through the propaganda.

A new poll of 1,076…

Joseph Vazquez | October 1, 2021

In the fantasy land of New York Times apostate conservative columnist David Brooks, the crazy Democrat spending agenda serves “moral and cultural purposes.” 

Brooks' new op-ed, headlined “This Is Why We Need to Spend $4 Trillion,”…

Joseph Vazquez | September 30, 2021

American voters are not buying any of the propaganda the liberal media has been pushing in trying to sell the $3.5 trillion spending monstrosity put forward by the Democratic Party.

A new poll of 1,000 likely voters by Rasmussen Reports…

Joseph Vazquez | September 20, 2021

“Forget inflation.” CNN continued to pave over the economic ineptitude and failed policies of the Biden administration in its reporting. Instead, it pushed the apparent worries of billionaire David Rubenstein with regard to “American…

Joseph Vazquez | September 18, 2021

As the nation grapples with the threat of high inflation, Bloomberg News is reporting that Americans are now feeling the heat of price spikes.

The outlet published a damning story Sept. 17 headlined, “Americans See Worst Buying Conditions…

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows continued to shield President Joe Biden from bad economic news as meat prices for consumers skyrocketed across the country.

National Public Radio (NPR) said that beef prices have surged a whopping “…

Joseph Vazquez | September 13, 2021

American voters are panning the media’s attempts to propagate President Joe Biden’s Orwellian vaccine mandate on businesses across the country.

A new poll of 1,098 likely voters found that a majority (58.6%) “do not believe President…

Joseph Vazquez | September 3, 2021

ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows ignored an abysmal jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to further insulate President Joe Biden from bad news.

The BLS reported at 8:30 a.m. Friday that the U.S. economy only added an…

Joseph Vazquez | August 30, 2021

The left-wing Politico has been sold to a German company for a ridiculous $1 billion.

The Washingtonian reported that the Virginia-based news outlet is being sold for a whopping $1 billion to Axel Springer SE. The two entities had…

Joseph Vazquez | August 27, 2021

The liberal media have made it a mission to convince people that businesses need to mandate a COVID-19 vaccination on employees and infringe on freedom. Voters are rejecting the idea.

A newly released poll of 1,080 likely voters…

Joseph Vazquez | August 20, 2021

Nationally syndicated conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin and economist Stephen Moore ripped the disastrous effects that the leftist agenda of President Joe Biden and his allies are inflicting on the U.S. economy.

Levin said…

Joseph Vazquez | August 19, 2021

It is peak irony when New York Times economist Paul Krugman accuses fossil fuel defenders of “bad economics.”

The same Krugman who wrongly claimed in 2016 that former President Donald Trump’s election would lead to “'a global…

Joseph Vazquez | August 18, 2021

A new poll revealed that American voters are rejecting the false narrative that the spending-obsessed President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure package has much to do with infrastructure.

Rasmussen Reports released a new survey…

Joseph Vazquez | August 12, 2021

American Big Tech companies apparently aren’t the only ones pushing woke ideologies. American Express (AmEx) was allegedly exposed for instituting a vehemently anti-American Critical Race Theory training program for its employees.

Joseph Vazquez | August 10, 2021

CNN didn’t just make one mistake trying to push President Joe Biden to extend the eviction moratorium. It made more than 200,000. That’s how much money it helped raise for a “mom” who wasn’t even the real mother of the kids in the story.

Joseph Vazquez | August 5, 2021

Nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin tore into the “frauds” in corporate America who have made it a point to be clinically woke but then silent on their dealings with the “genocidal mass murderers” in the Chinese Communist Party.

Joseph Vazquez | July 22, 2021

Viewers watching the ABC, CBS or NBC networks since Feb. 1 likely didn’t hear anything about a rising index indicating that Americans are worse off under President Joe Biden.

Issues & Insights released a report on the misery index, a…