Campaigns & Elections

Corinne Weaver | November 23, 2020

The censorship of President Donald Trump’s Twitter account and his campaign’s Twitter account continues to rage while the president challenges the vote count in court.

Twitter has labeled Trump’s tweets 52 times since Nov. 16. Team Trump’…

Joseph Vazquez | November 19, 2020

The Hill opinion columnist Joe Concha nuked the “marshmallow media” for consistently lobbing “T-ball” questions at former Vice President Joe Biden in the relatively few press conferences he’s held since clinching the Democratic nomination.…

Joseph Vazquez | November 19, 2020

New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman is trying to cope with not getting the “blue wave” referendum on Trumpism he wanted out of the 2020 election. 

Now, Krugman has said that a potential GOP senate majority will be —…

Corinne Weaver | November 19, 2020

A Danish study released by 22 medical researchers questioned the effectiveness of masks against COVID-19. But Twitter doesn’t want users to talk about it. 

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton tweeted on Nov. 18 that “Massive Danish…

Alec Schemmel | November 18, 2020

Liberal commentator Keith Olbermann said the president is undermining American democracy from his “toilet,” and he must be stopped.

While President Donald Trump remains in office until at least January 20, calls from the left to…

Corinne Weaver | November 17, 2020

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) raked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the coals in Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

“You’re the robber barons,” said Hawley to both Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. “…

Joseph Vazquez | November 17, 2020

Moderna, a major beneficiary of President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, announced yesterday its vaccine had achieved nearly 95 percent effectiveness against COVID-19. Afterwards, stocks skyrocketed to break records.

But if you were…

Corinne Weaver | November 16, 2020

Twitter has gone off the rails when it comes to censoring President Donald Trump and his campaign account. But meanwhile, Joe Biden and his campaign accounts remain untouched.

The president’s account and the account of Team Trump received…

Joseph Vazquez | November 16, 2020

The hate-filled Lincoln Project failed to make any real impact on the election and The Hill opinion columnist Joe Concha said it’s finally time for the NeverTrump group to take a hike.

Concha held nothing back: “The two entities…

Kayla Sargent | November 12, 2020

The left has long ignored conservatives’ complaints about Big Tech censorship: but now Democrats are whining that the shoe is on the other foot.

Facebook and Google have not lifted their respective bans on political ads, and likely won’t…

Joseph Vazquez | November 12, 2020

CNN is trying to hoodwink Americans into believing that their taxes won’t increase under a Biden administration.

The network’s latest article read like a press release by former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign staff: “The vast…

Kayla Sargent | November 11, 2020

It’s no secret that Silicon Valley skews sharply left, and former Vice President Joe Biden has added dozens of current and former Big Tech employees to his transition team. 

Biden’s transition team already hosts at least 16 current…

Joseph Vazquez | November 11, 2020

A conservative exodus to Parler from liberal Big Tech platforms has taken place since the chaotic election. The rising social media platform had skyrocketed to become the top app on the App Store.

The reason? Parler CEO John Matze…

Joseph Vazquez | November 9, 2020

After months of being told the economy was a long way off from recovery, the recent data in job gains for the month of October caused Axios to rethink some of those gloom-and-doom predictions.

Of course, now with the liberal…

Corinne Weaver | November 9, 2020

Through its rampant censorship, Twitter has done its best to silence President Donald Trump. However, neither former Vice President Joe Biden nor his campaign have received any labels or filters of any kind.

Election Day brought with it a…

Kayla Sargent | November 9, 2020

The election may have been called by the liberal media, but the election isn’t over yet — and neither is Big Tech censorship of election posts.

Facebook appears to be so determined to out-censor its competitors that it has added yet…

Joseph Vazquez | November 9, 2020

Federal Election Commission (FEC) records revealed that liberal billionaire globalist George Soros gave $1 million through his super PAC to a major Big Tech scheme to oust President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

A recent…

Joseph Vazquez | November 6, 2020

Even while the election is still underway, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows still chose to hoodwink viewers by not reporting news of an astounding rally in the jobs market under President Donald Trump’s economy.

The Bureau…

Alexander Hall | November 6, 2020

Facebook has shut down an activist group with pro-Trump ties concerned about voter fraud while still allowing reportedly violent Antifa groups to remain.

Facebook “took down a fast-growing group called ‘Stop the Steal’ that was organizing…

Kayla Sargent | November 5, 2020

Twitter promised on Nov. 2 that it would label tweets that declared a premature victory, but it appears that the platform has escalated to labeling “legal” victories as well. 

The company placed an interstitial, or filter, over…