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Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg spent millions trying to prop up pro-abortion candidates in the 2020 elections.

Open Secrets records show Bloomberg gave the Planned Parenthood Votes (PPV) super PAC at least $4 million in the 2020 electoral cycle. The group, associated with Planned Parenthood, “makes contributions to candidates who support abortion,” according to Influence Watch. The grand total PPV spent on the 2020 federal elections amounted to $10,092,809. This means that Bloomberg’s contribution accounted for a whopping 40 percent of the pro-abortion group’s entire spending on federal elections in 2020.

Bloomberg has funneled millions to Planned Parenthood over the years. Between 2014-2017 alone, the Bloomberg Family Foundation gave the abortion mill at least $13,962,000 LifeSiteNews referred to the liberal billionaire in November 2019 as “one of the most radical pro-abortion politicians in American history.” He apparently wanted to carry that status well into 2020. 

Bloomberg spending millions promoting this disgusting policy position aligns with former Vice President Joe Biden’s expected efforts to put his scary abortion agenda into effect. 

Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser referred to Biden’s abortion plans as “extreme.” Specifically, Dannenfelser stated that a “Biden-Harris administration could convert every post office and pharmacy into a virtual abortion center—a longtime goal of the abortion industry, which prioritizes profits over health and safety.” She continued: “The threat to unborn children and their mothers is staggering.” Bloomberg’s millions were used to help make such leftist policies a reality.

Bloomberg’s spending to promote abortion is in addition to the $100 million he was slated to spend to try to claim the swing state of Florida for Biden. President Donald Trump would end up winning the state by a 51.2 percent to 47.9 percent margin. This is in addition to the $60 million Bloomberg pledged in August in an attempt to expand the Democrats’ majority in the House of Representatives, which also failed to materialize.

It’s also on top of the more than $1 billion he spent on his failed Democratic presidential campaign, the $18 million he shifted from his failed campaign to the Democratic National Committee and the $35 million pledge he made to fund the data consulting firm Hawkfish to help Democrats.

One thing is clear: Bloomberg’s multimillion-dollar spending on abortion advocacy this year indicates that he wanted to make sure that the slaughter of the unborn continues under a Biden presidency.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Bloomberg News at and demand it distance itself away from its owner's pro-abortion advocacy.