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New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman continues to beclown himself by accusing the GOP of not accepting the 2020 election results. That sounds similar to what Krugman himself wasn’t willing to do in 2016.

Krugman mocked the GOP in a commentary headlined “Republicans Can’t Handle the Truth," for indulging — what he called — President Donald Trump’s “malicious, democracy-endangering lies” about voter fraud in the 2020 election. Then Krugman spit out a real doozy: “After all, when was the last time Republicans accepted a politically inconvenient fact? It has been clear for years that the modern G.O.P. is a party that can’t handle the truth.” Perhaps it is necessary to reintroduce Mr. Krugman to 2016 Paul Krugman the day before Trump got elected: “How to Rig an Election.” 

In that triggered piece of writing in 2016, Krugman shrieked in the lede paragraph: “Will we heave a sigh of relief, or shriek in horror? Nobody knows for sure, although early indications [of the election] clearly lean Clinton. Whatever happens, however, let’s be clear: this was, in fact, a rigged election.” Krugman cried that the 2016 election was being “rigged” by everything from “Russian intelligence” to state governments doing “all they could to prevent nonwhite Americans from voting” and to then-FBI Director James Comey investigating Hillary Clinton. [Emphasis added.]



Indeed, Krugman was willing to say the 2016 election was rigged before the election even happened.

Now, in 2020, Krugman has lectured the GOP about the very thing he wasn’t willing to do just four years ago — accept the outcome of the election:

[T]he G.O.P.’s previous history of dealing with inconvenient reality gives us a pretty good idea about when the party will accept Joe Biden as the legitimate winner of the 2020 election — namely, never.



Do as I say, not as I do,” or so the Krugman logic goes.

Krugman’s hypocrisy has even extended to pushing blatant disinformation.

The Washington Examiner’s chief political correspondent Byron York recently wrote an entire Daily Memo excoriating Krugman for pushing the falsehood that “Democrats never said Donald Trump was illegitimate.” In fact, York noted numerous cases where Democrats did just that, including Krugman himself.

York summarized Krugman’s glaring contradiction:

Among those taking part in that discussion [on the legitimacy of the Trump presidency] was...Paul Krugman. ‘Let's ask whether Mr. Lewis was right to say what he said,’ Krugman wrote in [T]he Times on January 16, 2017. ‘Is it OK, morally and politically, to declare the man about to move into the White House illegitimate? Yes, it is. In fact, it's an act of patriotism.’

Conservatives are under attack. Contact The New York Times at 800-698-4637 and demand it hold Krugman to account for his glaring hypocrisy.