Campaigns & Elections

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2020

It’s a wonder if there’s ever an end to the hundreds of millions Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg is willing to bleed through in his attempt to buy the 2020 election for Democrats.

The Washington Post reported that the…

Kayla Sargent | September 11, 2020

Although Netflix has become a cesspool of liberal propaganda, the streaming service does occasionally get something right. 

A new Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma highlights the power that Big Tech companies have over the…

Corinne Weaver | September 9, 2020

Facebook is taking a contradictory stance: it supposedly is pro-free speech, but is banning political ads the week before the election. 

CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently appeared on the Sept. 8 episode of Axios on HBO to explain all of…

Corinne Weaver, Kayla Sargent | September 9, 2020

Twitter isn’t just more favorable to the left — it’s wildly more supportive. The company’s trend-setting Twitter Moments account gave massively more favorable attention to the Democrat National Convention over the Republican convention.

Joseph Vazquez | September 3, 2020

Leftist ACRONYM, the organization behind the Iowa Democratic caucus app fiasco, now has its hyper-partisan news network Courier Newsroom under legal scrutiny.

Watchdog group Americans for Public Trust (APT) filed a legal complaint with…

Joseph Vazquez | August 31, 2020

Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden just contradicted himself by claiming he was “not banning fracking.” Liberal outlet The Hill not only defended it but accused President Donald Trump of falsely stating Biden’s position. 

Joseph Vazquez | August 31, 2020

Economist Stephen Moore blasted Democrat leaders as hypocrites for being against a payroll tax cut idea by President Donald Trump, something they supported under former President Barack Obama.

Moore said in a recently released…

Joseph Vazquez | August 21, 2020

Americans for Tax Reform founder Grover Norquist struck down the idea that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s tax hikes will be good for people’s wallets and life savings.

Fox Business Host Stuart Varney questioned…

Corinne Weaver | August 21, 2020

Facebook fact-checkers should be “nonpartisan and transparent.” But they defended Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) 20 times to one over the course of 10 days. 

Since former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden…

Corinne Weaver | August 19, 2020

The GOP welcomed the “most-banned woman” with open arms as its candidate for the 21st Congressional District House seat in Florida. But tech companies seem reluctant to budge on their bans of Laura Loomer. 

Loomer’s opponent,…

Joseph Vazquez | August 18, 2020

The liberal billionaire owner of the pro-China Bloomberg News Michael Bloomberg is set to bleed through another set of millions to help Democrat congressional candidates in November.

The billionaire is currently slated to spend a whopping…

Corinne Weaver, Heather Moon | August 18, 2020

Former Vice President and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is a popular target on social media. But Big Tech companies have responded by deleting mocking posts and suspending critics. 

In the months leading up to…

Joseph Vazquez | August 14, 2020

The Wall Street Journal just tried to use Democratic donors to speculate that Wall Street is breathing easier about the idea of a Joe Biden/Kamala Harris ticket.

The piece, headlined “As Kamala Harris Joins Biden Ticket, Wall…

Corinne Weaver | August 12, 2020

Immediately after Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden announced Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his potential vice president, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg stated her support for Harris.

“This is a huge moment for Black women and…

Corinne Weaver | August 12, 2020

Big Tech companies like Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter treat Wikipedia as the source of truth, particularly when it comes to censoring conservatives. 

But even Wikipedia can’t figure out the truth related to  Senator…

Joseph Vazquez | July 21, 2020

The NeverTrump Lincoln Project released a gross anti-Trump ad July 1, mocking the phony claim that Russian President Vladimir gave President Donald Trump his endorsement for 2020. What hypocrites.

The New York Post's Ebony Bowden revealed…

Corinne Weaver | July 20, 2020

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has openly denied working with President Donald Trump, in order to appease the liberal media. 

Zuckerberg told co-founder Mike Allen that “There's no deal of any kind,” in statements made to Axios. He…

Joseph Vazquez | July 17, 2020

While ABC’s, CBS’s, and NBC’s evening news shows were busy hawking psychologist Mary Trump’s anti-Trump book July 7, they ignored a glaring bias. Mary Trump had been a Democrat donor for years, donating to the party, Hillary Clinton and Barack…

Joseph Vazquez | July 15, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations are looking to capitalize on the riots, looting and racial unrest by announcing a massive multimillion-dollar initiative to promote so-called "racial equality."

The New York…

Joseph Vazquez | July 6, 2020

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, who notoriously backed a group that “spread disinformation during the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate,” now is pushing to directly boycott President Donald Trump.

This pivoted …