
Tom Olohan | March 20, 2024

Where is the American Dream still alive despite President Joe Biden’s decrepit economy? According to Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka “Mr. Wonderful,” those seeking opportunity should look to several dynamic red states. 


Tom Olohan | March 19, 2024

Liberal milquetoast HBO comedian Bill Maher became the latest leftist media talking head to attempt slapping around Americans for not being more cheery in the nightmare world of Bidenomics. 

During the March 15 edition of Real Time…

Nicholas Schau | March 15, 2024

The Big Three networks have been caught playing the game they so often do: burying facts that destroy their narrative.

This time, the evening newscasts at NBC News, CBS News and ABC News hid the fact that the Bureau of Labor Statistics…

Craig Bannister | March 15, 2024

Financial officials from 16 states are calling on State Street Global Advisors, one of the largest asset management firms, to stop deceptively pushing on shareholders only proposals that advance the ideological Environmental, Social and…

NB Staff | March 15, 2024

Members of the MRC-led Free Speech Alliance are urging the Senate to follow the House of Representatives' lead and vote on a bill forcing TikTok to divest itself from its communist Chinese government ties, or risk being banned from the U.S.…

Tom Olohan | March 14, 2024

President Joe Biden’s treasury secretary just admitted that her notorious “transitory inflation” gaslighting was wildly out of touch with reality.

During the March 13 edition of Varney and Co. on Fox Business, Secretary Yellen conceded…

Luis Cornelio | March 14, 2024

MRC President Brent Bozell is doubling down on his support for a bipartisan bill aiming to put an end to TikTok’s communist Chinese government ties.

In a Wednesday interview with WMAL-FM’s Larry O’Connor, Bozell reiterated the need to…

Tom Olohan | March 13, 2024

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider spoke up in favor of a congressional bill forcing Chinese Communist Party-controlled company ByteDance to sell TikTok, ending a major foreign influence threat. 

During the March…

Gabriela Pariseau | March 13, 2024

A bill that could be the beginning of the end for TikTok overwhelmingly passed the House Wednesday.

The Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act would force TikTok to divest itself from its Chinese-…

Joseph Vazquez | March 13, 2024

CNN is back to its old schtick of desperately spinning higher gas prices to look like no big deal for Americans, even though they’re currently hovering at four-month highs. 

CNN addressed gas prices hitting $3.40 a gallon on Friday…

Luis Cornelio | March 12, 2024

Video streaming website Rumble just made a shocking offer to TikTok, the communist Chinese government-tied social media app currently facing threats of being banned from the United States.

Rumble CEO Chris Pavloski offered to purchase…

Luis Cornelio | March 12, 2024

MRC President Brent Bozell pulled no punches in addressing where his organization stands regarding the recently introduced TikTok ban: It must “divest” from communist Chinese government control.

Bozell, denoting that the Media Research…

Tom Olohan | March 12, 2024

Fox Business host Charles Payne fired back at President Joe Biden for squandering America’s dominance on the global stage and then pontificating about his squalid economic record during the State of the Union address. 

During the…

Joseph Vazquez | March 12, 2024

Two extremist groups financed by billionaire George Soros have been named in the emerging scandal involving federal law enforcement colluding with financial institutions to spy on Americans’ private transactions.

Part of this Orwellian…

Catherine Salgado | March 11, 2024

The president of the Brownstone Institute argued that a crucial upcoming  Supreme Court case is so key that it effectively places Americans’ free speech rights on trial. 

Brownstone president Jeffrey Tucker wrote in a March 1…

Catherine Salgado | March 8, 2024

A Chinese national was just indicted for stealing artificial intelligence secrets from Google. No doubt communist China was impressed by Google AI’s inability to generate images of white people.

Google’s video platform YouTube has been…

Tom Olohan | March 7, 2024

Gary Gensler, the eco-obsessed Securities and Exchange Commission chair, went on CNBC to make a pathetic attempt to defend a recent, outrageous decision forcing American businesses to make climate change-related disclosures.

While on…

Joseph Vazquez | March 6, 2024

Apparently Big Tech isn’t the only sector that the U.S. government is exploiting to achieve its dystopian ends against Americans. An explosive new congressional report unveiled another field of abhorrent government collusion with financial…

Luis Cornelio | March 6, 2024

Google appears to have stopped peddling pro-Hamas talking points about sexual violence carried out against Israeli citizens on Oct. 7 — just after MRC pressed the Big Tech giant for answers.

On Wednesday, MRC Free Speech America learned…

Tom Olohan | March 5, 2024

The Daily Wire host Michael Knowles denounced an appalling action taken by two of the nation’s largest pharmacies to further the left’s brutal pro-abortion agenda. 

Host Knowles condemned CVS and Walgreens’s plans to sell abortion…