
Tom Olohan | March 7, 2024

Gary Gensler, the eco-obsessed Securities and Exchange Commission chair, went on CNBC to make a pathetic attempt to defend a recent, outrageous decision forcing American businesses to make climate change-related disclosures.

While on…

Joseph Vazquez | March 6, 2024

Apparently Big Tech isn’t the only sector that the U.S. government is exploiting to achieve its dystopian ends against Americans. An explosive new congressional report unveiled another field of abhorrent government collusion with financial…

Luis Cornelio | March 6, 2024

Google appears to have stopped peddling pro-Hamas talking points about sexual violence carried out against Israeli citizens on Oct. 7 — just after MRC pressed the Big Tech giant for answers.

On Wednesday, MRC Free Speech America learned…

Tom Olohan | March 5, 2024

The Daily Wire host Michael Knowles denounced an appalling action taken by two of the nation’s largest pharmacies to further the left’s brutal pro-abortion agenda. 

Host Knowles condemned CVS and Walgreens’s plans to sell abortion…

David Marcus | March 4, 2024

After testy testimony before Congress several weeks ago, it appears that time may be clicking away for TikTok, the communist Chinese government-tied social media app that is all the rage with our nation’s youth. Amid the fanfare of love him or…

Luis Cornelio | March 4, 2024

Google is facing a congressional investigation over its infamous Gemini chatbot following MRC Free Speech America’s revelations.

The House Judiciary Committee expanded Saturday its investigation into the collusion between Big Tech and…

Tom Olohan | March 1, 2024

California Governor Gavin Newsom came under fire from several media outlets for apparently exempting Panera Bread from a new law imposing high minimum wage requirements on businesses. 

Newsmax host Chris Plante, Fox News host Laura…

Nicholas Schau | March 1, 2024

The legacy media has pushed for EVs for a long time, so it was a shock when CNN realized that the rapid shift to the all-electric future they envisioned wasn’t working the way they hoped.

In a Feb. 26 piece, CNN finally (sort of) came to…

Tom Olohan | February 29, 2024

The Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro exposed the threat posed by the diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) ideology in a field where competence is especially important. 

Shapiro shared footage of radicals in the healthcare…

Luis Cornelio | February 28, 2024

A bombshell lawsuit against one of the largest artificial intelligence companies may have inadvertently revealed that popular AI chatbots are secretly propping up legacy media outlets in their answers.

In a 35-page motion filed on Monday…

Catherine Salgado | February 28, 2024

While Joe Biden is reportedly aiming to block the flow of sensitive data to hostile foreign countries, he is apparently undercutting his own goals.

The Washington Post reported Feb. 26 that Joe Biden is set to issue an executive order “to…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2024

The Washington Post continues to outdo itself in generating downright idiotic takes to defend President Joe Biden’s trashy economic record, even if it means whitewashing the worsening border crisis.

“The economy is roaring.…

Tom Olohan | February 28, 2024

Fox News host Laura Ingraham ripped into both the bias of Gemini, Google’s artificial intelligence chatbot, and its creators, who have cost Google billions of dollars.  

During a Feb. 26 Ingraham Angle segment exposing Gemini’s…

Catherine Salgado | February 27, 2024

A Republican legal expert condemned Big Tech, particularly Amazon, for not only crushing speech but also helping a foreign government supersede U.S. companies.

Article III Project founder and lawyer Mike Davis called out anti-liberty tech…

Tom Olohan | February 27, 2024

Despite massive government pressure to force Americans to use electric vehicles (EVs), CBS News recently uncovered that even the most leftist areas are way behind in providing the necessary infrastructure. 

The legacy media network…

Catherine Salgado | February 26, 2024

The CEO of one of the most prominent leftist artificial intelligence companies in the U.S. and another company with deep ties to the Communist Chinese government were revealed to be prominent shareholders of the censorship-obsessed tech giant…

Nicholas Schau | February 23, 2024

Big Tech is using AI and media ratings firms as new ways to censor conservative voices, but the fight to expose the bias and censorship is underway.

On the Feb. 20 edition of The Wayne DuPree Show, MRC Free Speech America Vice President…

Luis Cornelio | February 23, 2024

FIRST ON MRC: One of the most extremist artificial intelligence chatbots appears to be peddling anti-Israel rhetoric by whitewashing the sexual violence carried out by Hamas on Oct. 7.

Gemini, Google’s No Whites Allowed artificial…

Tom Olohan | February 23, 2024

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach called out the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) over passenger safety and employee competence.

During a Feb. 22 appearance on Fox Business’s…

Luis Cornelio | February 22, 2024

We don’t like your kind around here, Google’s Gemini implied to white individuals after users, including MRC researchers, caught the artificial intelligence chatbot refusing to generate images of white people. 

While Google has since…