
Luis Cornelio | June 12, 2023

YouTube has declared war on anyone who dares to push back against the left’s radicalized gender ideology on its platform.

The Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing slammed YouTube’s assault against his news network’s popular lineup of podcast…

Joseph Vazquez | June 12, 2023

George Soros’ self-proclaimed “‘more political’” heir to his radical empire has his own track record of political activism that reeks of a potentially worse Soros sequel.

The Wall Street Journal released its latest interview with the…

Luis Cornelio | June 9, 2023

TikTok has found itself once again in deep waters over its alleged mishandling of Americans’ private data, after the launch of a bipartisan congressional probe.

Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) issued a letter…

Nicholas Schau | June 9, 2023

CNN genuflected to leftists’ climate change radicalism by whining about companies around the world doing “almost nothing'' to adhere to nutty environmental, social and governance standards.

Relying on a study by ESG Book, a woke advocacy…

Tom Olohan | June 9, 2023

Bloomberg Opinion’s Executive Editor could not resist sneering at a faith-based investor over his opposition to woke environmental, social and governance standards during a June 6 podcast. 

Bloomberg Opinion Senior Executive Editor…

Luis Cornelio | June 8, 2023

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider warned that a lack of artificial intelligence regulation will lead to the destruction of humanity as we now know it.

Schneider joined the Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit and…

Luis Cornelio | June 8, 2023

Make way for more evidence of China’s free rein access to TikTok users’ data, which apparently included a “backdoor channel” and a “god credential” account.

The Chinese Communist Party reportedly enjoyed full access to the data of Hong…

Nicholas Schau | June 7, 2023

NPR ludicrously claimed that the leftist Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) was not influenced by George Soros funding, despite NPR itself being funded by the leftist billionaire.

In an article published June 4, NPR…

Luis Cornelio | June 7, 2023

The Department of Homeland Security has been at the center of a firestorm with no end in sight.

In an episode of his Verdict podcast, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and co-host Ben Ferguson torched the Department of Homeland Security for…

Tom Olohan | June 6, 2023

A “one-eyed King among the blind,” “some kind of god, the creator of everything,” “brilliant” and “clever;” these are just some of the disturbing bona fides a new book analyzes that leftist billionaire George Soros has acquired for himself over…

Nicholas Schau | June 5, 2023

Twitter owner Elon Musk blasted the woke leftists running retail giant Target and the self-destructive policies that helped cause its recent financial downturn.

Musk tweeted in a reply to Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk’s tweet…

Luis Cornelio | June 2, 2023

Twitter owner Elon Musk promised to make free speech essential to the platform’s brand. But after the platform botched The Daily Wire’s attempted re-release of the What is a Woman? documentary, it’s clear that Musk’s staff does not share his…

Tom Olohan | June 2, 2023

After Chick-fil-A drew attention to its diversity, equity and inclusion program, prominent figures across Twitter reacted to the news while leftist media exaggerated criticism or missed the problem entirely.

On Tuesday, May 30th, many…

Nicholas Schau | June 2, 2023

The New York Times’s insufferable economics writer Paul Krugman absurdly accused Texas GOP lawmakers of being plagued with “anti-woke mind virus” simply because they’re signaling favor for fossil fuels over green energy pipe dreams. …

Tom Olohan | May 31, 2023

Shortly after recommending that President Joe Biden sign a fiscally irresponsible debt limit deal, the great minds at The New York Times pushed for what even Biden Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has called a “constitutional crisis.” …

Luis Cornelio | May 31, 2023

The DHS-funded anti-terror program at the University of Dayton targeting Christians, conservatives and Republicans worked overnight to scrub its website.

The University of Dayton’s PREVENTS-OH removed the controversial videos of seminars…

Luis Cornelio | May 26, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell exposed how MRC Free Speech America has the receipts on Biden’s Department of Homeland Security using taxpayer dollars to go after conservatives, Christians and the Republican Party.

Bozell, who has spoken to…

Gabriela Pariseau | May 26, 2023

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider and Tea Party Patriot Co-founder Jenny Beth Martin took a blowtorch to President Joe Biden’s corrupt Department of Homeland Security following MRC Free Speech America’s explosive report…

Nicholas Schau | May 26, 2023

While the rest of America was busy being appalled, leftist media hacks celebrated Target’s disturbing line of LGBTQ-themed merchandise designed by an avowed Satanist.

Various news outlets, including TheStreet, NBC, CNN and Forbes, went…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2023

Targeted groups and individuals were fired up over MRC Free Speech America’s bombshell report exposing President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security for weaponizing tax dollars against Americans.

MRC Free Speech America…