February 18, 2009
18 February 2009
Editor, CBS Radio World News Roundup
Dear Editor:
You reported in today's 9 a.m.
edition that the Department of Agriculture proposes to have meat processors put
country-of-origin labels on their products. In this report you…
February 18, 2009
President Obama’s nearly $800-billion stimulus package finally passed – including the mini-tax break of $400 per person. That’s about enough money for each taxpayer to go to lunch once a week – but only for fast food. At $7.69 a week, Obama’s “…
February 18, 2009
New from the Business & Media Institute
February 18, 2009
Last week, President Obama explained as if talking to the dim-witted that stimulus is synonymous with spending. The fawning media swallowed it whole and regurgitated it as gospel.
While I did not go to Harvard, I do own a dictionary. Several, in…
February 18, 2009
The first big test of Barack Obama's presidency didn't begin on the day he took office. It started on the campaign trail when then-candidate Obama promised to push for a $175-billion stimulus package to boost a flagging economy.
Once Obama…
February 17, 2009
In a few short months, the term “stimulus” went from a $175-billion campaign promise to the most-expensive law ever passed by Congress. Nearly $800 billion of special interest funding, healthcare plans and precious little infrastructure made up the…
February 16, 2009
In case you were unaware, soft drinks may be hazardous to your teeth.ABC’s Diane Sawyer made that abundantly clear in a report during the Feb. 13 “20/20. The report was the product of two years investigating the poverty and adversity faced by…
February 16, 2009
Instead of praising Wal-Mart for offering less expensive goods to stretched consumers, David Nelson depicted Wal-Mart as a thug on Fox News Channel’s “Cavuto on Business.”
Nelson, DC Nelson Asset Management’s founder, harshly attacked Wal-Mart…
February 16, 2009
So much for the end of the politics of fear, especially when it comes to the hot-button issues of the day.
Former President Bill Clinton appeared in an interview with Ann Curry on NBC’s Feb. 16 “Today.” Curry asked him if the greatest threat to the…
February 13, 2009
Remember how the $789 billion stimulus package and the banking bailout under the direction of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner were supposed to restore confidence to the economy? Think again.
As the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dipped to…