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So much for the end of the politics of fear, especially when it comes to the hot-button issues of the day.

Former President Bill Clinton appeared in an interview with Ann Curry on NBC’s Feb. 16 “Today.” Curry asked him if the greatest threat to the United States was the economic crisis and whether it outweighed the threats of terrorism.

“In the short term,” Clinton replied. “In the medium term because I think we’ll come out of the economic crisis, terror and the spread of weapons of mass destruction are. In the long-term, the prospect that the climate will crater and we won’t be able to preserve civilization.”

The inflammatory rhetoric knows no bounds when it comes to issues of the climate. Clinton’s former vice-president Al Gore recently told a group of children to question their parents about climate change skepticism, as he did about racism during the civil rights era.

Curry also asked Clinton to grade President Barack Obama in with his handling of the economy.. The former president gave him high marks, despite their previous differences during the Democratic party’s presidential nomination, and although some have accused the administration of using fear tactics to advance the agenda


“I think he’s off to a good start,” Clinton said. “I think he’s got a good team. Given the fact that they had to do it in a hurry and he had to deal with Congress and the inevitable compromises, I think he got quite a good bill out of this. This package that he’s going to sign is our bridge over troubled waters.”