November 11, 2005
CBSs Bob Schieffer offered viewers a solution to high energy
prices that may be as plain as daylight. Yet the truth of the
matter was far different and the November 10 report showed the
November 10, 2005
CBS wasnt alone. Headlines like The Dollars Decline Does Matter,
Consumers Could Get Caught Under Falling Dollar, and The
Dangerous Dollar were all the rage as Americas currency was…
November 10, 2005
With oil executives testifying before Congress, the news media
continued drilling the industry for high profits.
ABCs Good Morning America only found negative things
to say about the oil…
November 9, 2005
The presidents bipartisan tax panel delivered a complicated
proposal on November 1 that has been criticized and even denounced
by members of both political parties. But that hasnt stopped the…
November 8, 2005
Lou Dobbs and the Merry Men and Women of CNN promoted a windfall
profits tax on oil companies that Dobbs nicknamed a Robin Hood
Tax. Dobbs set up a November 7 story asking if oil companies should…
November 4, 2005
Are vinyl lunch boxes a cause of concern for lead poisoning?
ABCs Good Morning America warned that children might be poisoned
by their lunches in its November 4 broadcast, despite government…
November 3, 2005
On CNN Sunday Morning October 30, hosts asked viewers to respond
to the question, Who do you hold accountable for high gas prices?
Ignoring market forces that set prices in favor of playing a…
November 1, 2005
In its October 31 broadcast, ABC targeted deaths caused by malaria
but bypassed a tool that has already prevented more than 500 million
additional deaths.
The networks World News Tonight…
October 31, 2005
CBSs 60 Minutes focused on companies becoming a big brother to employees, yet ignored an obvious free market alternative Health Savings Accounts.
During the October 29 broadcast, correspondent Morley…
October 31, 2005
According to Lou Dobbs Tonight, America is a nation in trouble, and the blame can be placed squarely on the shoulders of policy makers.
CNNs Christine Romans began her October 28 report: Lou, while…