The presidents bipartisan tax panel delivered a complicated
proposal on November 1 that has been criticized and even denounced
by members of both political parties. But that hasnt stopped the
media from embracing it as a sweeping simplification and a vastly
simplified tax system.
The panel offered two plans, both of which would kill the unpopular
Alternative Minimum Tax but beyond that, they only switch around
the winners and losers in the game. Tax brackets, breaks and credits
would be changed, but the fundamental income tax system would
remain. The panel rejected ideas for major reform, such as a
flat-rate tax that would be the same for all, or a sales tax that
would do away with income tax entirely.
Instead of explaining how the current tax code affects Americans or
investigating ways to improve it, the media have primarily used the
opportunity to fuel class warfare and scare homeowners into thinking
their deductions are going away.
The Tax Panel used this illustration from Marina Sagona
to show how "simple" its new plans would be.
The Least Important is the Most-Covered
Even though only 35 percent of Americans itemize their deductions,
which could include deducting interest paid on a home mortgage,
reporters hyped the homeowners deduction as one of the pillars of
the American income tax system, as CNNs Casey Wian said on the
October 14 Lou Dobbs Tonight, and a mainstay of middle-class tax
returns, as CBSs Susan McGinnis put it on the November 2 CBS
Morning News.
CBSs Bob Orr praised the mortgage deduction on the CBS Evening
News November 1, the day the panel released its report. Orr said,
Its helped make the American Dream more affordable, and has been
so off-limits to reformers its been called the third rail of tax
politics, until now. The presidents tax reform panel wants to scrap
the break on home mortgage interest.
Orrs claim that a break for mortgage interest would be scrapped
was only partially correct. Both of the panels recommended plans
would replace the deduction with a 15-percent tax credit for
mortgage holders across the board, which would benefit those who
dont itemize deductions. Kevin Hassett, director of economic policy
studies at the American Enterprise Institute, pointed out in a
November 7 article that more than 70 percent of filers didnt
benefit from the mortgage deduction in 2002.
In fact, Hassett said, these changes would significantly reduce the
cost of housing for the majority of Americans, since most taxpayers
dont receive any mortgage deduction benefits.
But those facts didnt stop CNNs Daryn Kagan and Gerri Willis on
November 7 from emphasizing the very big deal of the proposal to
deep six the mortgage interest deduction. Willis said people were
really concerned, to which Kagan replied, Yes, understandably.
Thats everyones big chunk I mean, most peoples biggest chunk
there. Willis responded: The biggest deduction and the biggest
gift from Uncle Sam that you get.
Some journalists took the grim projections even further. CNNs Lou
Dobbs said on the October 14 Lou Dobbs Tonight that its a change
that would seriously injure the finances of most American
homeowners. In his November 1 report, CBSs Orr said: But critics
warn house prices would collapse across the country, costing all
homeowners billions.
Hassett also answered that assertion in his article, saying the
panels plan avoids exposing the market to a calamitous price
Business & Media Institute adviser Dan Mitchell, the McKenna Senior Fellow
in Political Economy at The Heritage Foundation, said the home
interest deduction was probably one of the least important
components of the panels proposal. He added that the media have
done a sloppy job explaining theres going to be a credit replacing
it in the panels recommendations.
Some Losers, We Like
Overall, Mitchell said, the presidents panel dodged the fights
that have to be fought if we want a better tax system for the
The panel was clearly trying to play the class warfare game of not
wanting to give the rich a tax cut, Mitchell said, explaining
that the panel was likely trying to avoid criticism from the media
and from Democrats.
Class warfare was the order of the day for the crew at CNNs
Daybreak, who took taxing the rich for granted on their November 2
show. Carrie Lee explained that the home mortgage cap for tax
benefits would be lowered from $1 million to a more average home
price in the panels proposal. That caught Carol Costellos ear:
when you said million-dollar homes, I said OK, Costello said.
But then you said $212,000-homes to 400. Thats the middle class.
Lee replied, Exactly. Exactly.
Deflating their idea that the middle class would suffer
disproportionately, Foxs Special Report with Brit Hume included
an interview with tax panel chairman and former Sen. Connie Mack (R-Fla.)
on November 1. Mack pointed out that less than 5 percent of the
mortgages in the country are above that cap. Less than 5 percent.
Of course, all the quibbling about home buying and who would have a
greater incentive to buy ignored the larger issue: that the
government continues to pick winners and losers in the economy. And
the panel has attempted to do it merely by shuffling around tax
credits to keep any proposal revenue-neutral meaning tax rates
wont be lowered.
What they give you with the left hand they take away with the
right, Mitchell said.
Proposals for Real Reform
Though the tax panels plans are only recommendations made by
non-lawmakers, there are several bills currently in Congress
proposing variations on the flat tax and the FairTax, a national
retail sales tax that would replace the income tax. The FairTax bill
in the House is sponsored by Rep. John Linder (R-Ga.) and has 45
House co-sponsors. But in covering the tax panels attempt at
reform, the media largely avoided the details of actual legislation
on the issue.
The New York Times reported on July 21 that the panel was
considering sweeping alternatives that include a national retail
sales tax, a value-added tax and a flat tax that would exclude taxes
on interest, dividends and capital gains. But radical changes like
those drew scant attention from the panel members
Media attention to the radical ideas of tax reform has been scant
recently as well. CNNs Andy Serwer attempted to raise the issue of
a consumption-based tax on the November 5 In the Money, though his
guest was Treasury Secretary John Snow, who begged out of Serwers
questions because he hadnt yet finalized his report for the
Related Links:
Tax Panel Changes Wouldnt Slam Home Prices
Tax Panels Report