October 8, 2008
Ludwig von Mises in a classic 1927 book, Liberalism, wrote that government intervention in markets would lead inevitably to unintended consequences that resulted in further government intervention.
The current financial difficulties are…
October 7, 2008
What a week! Capitol Hill battles over the bailout. Wall Street tumbles. Anchor John Roberts tells us “economists are now warning of a new recession.” Oops. That last bit comes from May 2004 – right as the recovery from the previous…
October 1, 2008
We got a harsh reminder this week that “Dow” can be a shortened form of the word “Down.” Way down. Monday, the Dow dumped 777 points, a near-7-percent drop. The media that had hollered about economic problems when there were none, finally have…
September 24, 2008
Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on Our Children by Philip and Alice Shabecoff. Hardcover. 368 pages. Random House. List price $26.00.
There’s a cartoon that ran in the New Yorker a couple of years ago. Two cavemen are sitting cross-…
September 24, 2008
With the “meltdown” on Wall Street, it looks like global warming is striking the financial markets. Don’t laugh. It must have gone somewhere because it’s not doing as the left and the media had warned. Just a few months ago, supposedly…
September 17, 2008
Bailout. It’s all you hear any more. The government helps J.P. Morgan Chase bail out Bear Stearns. After years of mismanagement, the government bails out home mortgage titans Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Then there’s talk of a bailout of Lehman…
September 10, 2008
Confessions of a Subprime Lender: An Insider’s Tale of Greed, Fraud and Ignorance by Richard Bitner. Paperback. 208 pages. Wiley. List price: $19.95.
Greed is bad.
Well, when it makes you so crazy that you become blind to – or don’t…
September 9, 2008
Convention time just ended for journalists, and they are on edge about the future. Not the political conventions – the annual Society of Professional Journalists event. With ad dollars shrinking and job losses mounting, the future they are most…
September 3, 2008
Two ideas are dear to conservatives: a belief in the benefits of innovation and the power of free markets. When it comes to technology policy, we generally believe that a hands-off regulatory approach is one that makes the most sense. It’s…
September 3, 2008
Hollywood has been a liberal bastion for decades. Like the movies, pop music has been a leader for left-wing causes from Woody Guthrie in the ’30s to anti-Vietnam War folkies like Bob Dylan and Pete Seeger. The musicians that have…