November 12, 2008
If there is a silver lining in every cloud, then the silver lining in the current economic crises (plural!) and the fast heating up international challenges may be a dampening of the new president’s grand ambitions for wealth confiscation. That…
November 12, 2008
Fair’s fair, right? Not always – especially in the new America that dawns January 20. That’s when the Obama administration takes over and they have bold plans for making America a fairer place to be.
The Democratic platform Obama supports…
November 4, 2008
For two weeks, I have watched the talking heads of financial news – on CNBC, Fox Business, even Bloomberg – discussing the evolving GM-Chrysler merger to be funded by the federal government. I am astounded they have all missed the story or…
November 3, 2008
The election isn’t even over, but Americans have made their opinions known. The biggest loser of the 2008 campaign is the mainstream media. In poll after poll, voters express anger and dissatisfaction at journalists’ blatantly prObama position…
October 29, 2008
Is it possible to tax only the rich and leave everyone else alone?
I have met and talked with many politicians, mostly when they were out speaking for their suppers just as I was. I repeatedly spent backstage time with four former U.S.…
October 27, 2008
Little did Joe the plumber know that Barack Obama was just scratching the surface when he answered Joe’s question with a desire to “spread the wealth around.” A new discovery of a 2001 radio appearance by Obama has thrust socialism into the…
October 22, 2008
Sen. John McCain’s adviser, Carly Fiorina, coming off a controversial tenure running Hewlett-Packard, has been widely quoted as ill-advisedly but accurately observing that none of the candidates, McCain included, are capable of running a…
October 21, 2008
“It’s the economy, stupid.” That little James Carville nugget from the 1992 election is as true now as it was then. With Wall Street more of a roller coaster than an investment vehicle, ordinary Americans are worried about their future…
October 16, 2008
Where were you when the lights went out on Wall Street?
On Friday, Oct. 10, the first day the Dow dropped below 8,000 before crawling barely above that at close, a friend and I were in Atlantic City on a guys’ vacation. We went to Il…
October 15, 2008
America has always valued success. But at the same time, we’ve had a love affair with class warfare. Big businessmen – railroad tycoons, bankers and cattlemen – became easy targets for our discontent. Wealth, success, power could be summed…