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Ken Shepherd | February 3, 2006
     On February 9, the federal government announced that weekly jobless claims hit the lowest average in six years a sign of job growth in a strong economy. That night, none of the network newscasts reported…
Ken Shepherd | February 3, 2006
     A newsworthy sound bite from a rock music idol on a pressing world issue may be just the hook an evening news producer prays for, but it doesnt excuse a lack of balance or thorough reporting. The…
Ken Shepherd | February 2, 2006
     On Groundhog Day this year, newspaper readers may have had a sense of dj vu reading about budget cuts in a narrowly-passed bill which scales back increases in government spending. But instead of a…
Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | February 1, 2006
     How much credit does Alan Greenspan deserve for Americas economic success over the past 18 years? Answer: a lot, but nowhere near all.      I mean no slight to Mr. Greenspan. Indeed, the…
Amy Menefee | February 1, 2006
     The senior citizens she interviewed were unhappy with the idea of health savings accounts (HSAs), and Regan egged them on in their concerns instead of presenting the facts. Did he adequately address…
Noel Sheppard | January 31, 2006
     It turns out that media coverage of the nations economic growth can vary a lot depending on how strong or weak the economy is doing. Strong numbers are downplayed or undermined and weak numbers like…
Ken Shepherd | January 31, 2006
     Americas largest oil company, Exxon-Mobil (NYSE: XOM) is reporting some jaw-dropping profits tonight, record profits in fact for any American company ever, gasped anchor Brian Williams in…
Ken Shepherd | January 30, 2006
     After featuring a new poll showing Americans perception of the economy depends on ones political views, CNNs January 28 In the Money followed with liberal author and think tank analyst Tamara…
Dan Gainor | January 27, 2006
     Left-wing groups love to wage the class war and now they are doing it quite literally with wages. Two liberal think tanks just released a study claiming the income gap between rich and poor is getting…
Ken Shepherd | January 26, 2006
     High gas prices have had the oil industry feeling the heat, said ABCs Elizabeth Vargas, adding, Today, it launched a counterattack, as she teased World News Tonight reporter Lisa Starks…
Dan Gainor | January 25, 2006

See Executive Summary

The numbers sounded more ominous with each report – 7,000, 20,000, 30,000 … 600,000 jobs lost. Outsourcing, high energy prices and high government spending were depicted as draining the lifeblood out of the…

Dan Gainor | January 25, 2006

See Full Report

More than 2 million new jobs were created in 2005 but that wasn’t the story presented by the evening news. The three broadcast networks downplayed strong growth and, instead, emphasized negatives such as corporate layoffs…

BMI Staff | January 25, 2006

New from the Business…

Ken Shepherd | January 25, 2006
     Covering recently announced layoffs at Ford, the evening newscasts have ignored the role labor union costs have played in the number two automakers woes. The January 24 NBC Nightly News report filed…
Ken Shepherd | January 24, 2006
     The January 23 editions of the network newscasts led with layoffs at Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F), detailing the number of jobs to be lost and the plants slated for closing,…
Ken Shepherd | January 23, 2006
     CNNs Lou Dobbs outsourced his error-prone anti-free market services to a competing network with a January 23 guest appearance on ABCs Good Morning America to discuss Ford Motor Companys (NYSE…
Ken Shepherd | January 20, 2006
     Jobless claims hit a five-year low in mid-January according to figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on January 19. But while Bloomberg and Reuters…
Noel Sheppard | January 20, 2006
     In many respects, 2005 was the strongest economic year the United States has experienced since 1999. The Gross Domestic Product continued its uninterrupted string of consecutive 3-percent or…
Ken Shepherd | January 19, 2006
     USA Today and The Washington Post hyped inflation fears today rather than focus on optimistic outlooks from economists or a Federal Reserve report showing strong economic growth in the weeks closing…