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Recession Never Recedes Far from News Comments

A few down days in the stock market and the media turn to Mr. Reliable recession. Its not the first time in 2006 that the media have preferred weak analysis over a strong economy.

Econ 101: Why Immigration Happens
Despite political issues, immigration is really just economic forces at work.

G: Forbes, Christian Science Monitor report good news on petroleum prices
B: NBCs Williams bequeaths shoddy coverage of estate tax to audience
U: CNN ignores subsidies, tariffs in story boosting ethanol
ABC Labels Litigious Food Police a Consumer Group

Gores Film, Lionized by Media, A Pussycat at Box Office

CBS Downplays Terrorisms Impact on Oil


Bernanke can thank Greenspan for his troubles (AEI)

Harvey Rosen: It is the estate tax rate that matters (American Council for Capital Formation)

The Wrath of Grapes: a look at how alcohol taxes Balkanize the market on spirits (TCSDaily)

BPs Browne: Oil to fall to $40-a-barrel mid-term (

End, dont mend TV content regulation (Reason)

Death to the tree-killing death tax (NRO)

Should the government regulate the net?
Americas Future Foundation
Washington, D.C., June 15

Social Security Reform: A Bipartisan Proposal
American Enterprise Institute
Washington, D.C., June 19

U.S. Trade Policy: Why Unilateral Liberalization Makes Sense
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., June 21

Fact and Fiction about Gasoline Prices
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., June 30

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