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Ken Shepherd | February 20, 2006
     Who needs NBCs coverage of Olympic ice dancing when CBS was thrilling viewers with visions of Waterworld? No, not the 1995 Kevin Costner clunker, but an apocalyptic 60 Minutes report awash…
Ken Shepherd | February 17, 2006
     Greenlands glaciers are either growing or shrinking, depending on which study you read.      The media took global warming off the back burner this week to hype an isolated study showing…
Ken Shepherd | February 16, 2006
     The day after Ben Bernanke testified for the first time as Federal Reserve chairman before Congress, his textbook co-author called for substantially higher taxes on gasoline. Robert Frank, a Cornell…
BMI Staff | February 15, 2006

New from the Business…

Amy Menefee | February 15, 2006
     Boehner gave him a straightforward reply: Tim, we didnt. He explained that the budget-reduction measure signed by Bush would expand benefits for students, higher loan limits, lower origination…
Ken Shepherd | February 15, 2006
     Since the early January Sago Mine tragedy, most media have generally slanted coverage of the U.S. mining industry in a negative direction focusing coverage on mining regulations as too weak, fines too…
Charles Simpson | February 14, 2006
     The New York Times has long made a habit of airing its disdain for big cuts in domestic spending and soaring profits at major oil companies. However, Edmund Andrews chose to reinvent the wheel by…
Ken Shepherd | February 14, 2006
     CNNs Lou Dobbs has often made the Outsourcing of America a focus of his nightly program, Lou Dobbs Tonight. But on the February 13 edition, Dobbs and reporter Bill Tucker went a step further,…
Ken Shepherd | February 13, 2006
     The weekend before Valentines Day, CNN business reporters showed their infatuation with class warfare as they courted a critic of corporate pay scales. None of the In the Money panelists, however…
Ken Shepherd | February 9, 2006
     In New Hampshire on February 8, President Bush gave a simple lesson journalists could use. He compared slowing spending growth to driving the speed limit, rather than cutting spending, which would…
BMI Staff | February 8, 2006

New from the Business…

Dan Gainor | February 8, 2006
     One of the most obvious dividing lines between old and young is the ability to recall free television. To anyone who has grown up in an era of cable and satellite TV, the concept of a handful of channels…
Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | February 8, 2006
     President Bush, in his State of the Union speech, said America was addicted to oil and the federal government would use billions of tax dollars to pursue alternative energy sources. Rather than…
Ken Shepherd | February 8, 2006
     After nine months of reporters such as NBCs Katie Couric prodding women to eat low-fat diets to prevent breast cancer, a new government study argues the hype was for nothing. Low-fat diets…
Amy Menefee | February 8, 2006
     ABC News did a series of stories in October 2005 called Loose Nukes on Main Street, implying that terrorists could easily gain access to nuclear reactors in the United States and the Nuclear Energy…
Noel Sheppard | February 8, 2006
     ABCs Good Morning America asked two different guests if this plan was just a pipe dream. Meanwhile, The Washington Post suggested that this could have come straight from the mouth of Jimmy Carter…
Ken Shepherd | February 7, 2006
     Ronald Reagan once famously said that a government bureau is the closest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth. When President Bushs proposed fiscal year 2007 federal budget hit…
Ken Shepherd | February 6, 2006
     The announcement that AT…
Ken Shepherd | February 6, 2006
     The media have ignored or downplayed the governments latest jobs report 193,000 new jobs in January and the lowest unemployment rate since July 2001 continuing a trend of misreporting on…
Ken Shepherd | February 3, 2006
     On February 9, the federal government announced that weekly jobless claims hit the lowest average in six years a sign of job growth in a strong economy. That night, none of the network newscasts reported…