Latest Blogs

Joseph Vazquez | October 9, 2023

X owner Elon Musk called out the Supreme Leader of Iran for his disgusting celebration of the terrorist group Hamas and its barbaric attack on Israel. 

Musk — instead of going along with absurd liberal media narrative attempting to…

Tom Olohan | October 6, 2023

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh called out The North Face for allegedly assisting a deranged brand ambassador in getting a man fired from his job. 

Walsh referenced a defamation lawsuit filed by America First Legal on behalf of John…

Tom Olohan | October 6, 2023

Independent journalist Tucker Carlson took a deep dive into how genital mutilation and chemical castration became a lucrative industry. 

During the October 4th edition of his show, Carlson brought on “investment banker and policy guy…

Joseph Vazquez | October 6, 2023

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows are doing everything they can to cover for President Joe Biden. They buried a major poll showing former President Donald Trump completely decimating Biden on the economy amongst voters.

A Marquette…

Luis Cornelio | October 5, 2023

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey took a victory lap after an appellate court rebuked a Biden-led agency’s apparent role in violating the First Amendment.

Bailey eviscerated the deep state censors on Fox News’s Ingraham Angle on…

Catherine Salgado | October 5, 2023

A recently-launched artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot is designed to help women abort their unborn babies.

AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard have already been exposed for responding to users with a programmed leftist bias while…

Autumn Johnson | October 5, 2023

Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) are inquiring about TikTok's reportedly shadowy hiring practices that appear to be ushering in Communist Party-tied executives.

In a letter sent to the company, the senators…

Luis Cornelio | October 4, 2023

A former bodega worker is seeking retribution after being charged with second-degree murder by a Soros-backed New York DA in what critics, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, described as an apparent self-defense incident.


Luis Cornelio | October 4, 2023

A federal appeals court has now barred the infamous Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) from coordinating with Big Tech platforms to censor online speech.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit revised a…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2023

The Christian Science Monitor has emerged to promote one of the dumbest media takes on the Bidenomics disaster yet.

CSM editor Mark Sappenfield sung the praises of President Joe Biden’s illusory economic prowess in a dense Oct. 2…

Tom Olohan | October 4, 2023

A man once responsible for representing Jill Biden to the public has an unusual message to the Biden administration: stop trying to sell the losing message of Bidenomics to a hurting country. 

Michael LaRosa, former Press Secretary…

Catherine Salgado | October 4, 2023

Popular pro-free speech Libs of TikTok account said the account has been canceled by another platform.

Email marketing platform AWeber canceled Libs of TikTok, according to the latter’s Sept. 29 post on X (formerly Twitter). “@AWeber just…

Catherine Salgado | October 3, 2023

Big Tech censorship never takes a fall break, and September was no exception.

As the 2024 election system continues to heat up, Big Tech’s election-interfering censorship has not slackened, as MRC Free Speech America recorded this month.…

Tom Olohan | October 3, 2023

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano went on FOX and Friends Weekend to warn Americans that French climate radicalism will not stay in France. 

Morano raised the alarm about an extremist climate bill being pushed in European countries…

Luis Cornelio | October 3, 2023

President Joe Biden whined that X (formerly known as Twitter) is not as aggressively engaging in widespread censorship of constitutionally protected free speech.

Speaking to the leftist zealots at ProPublica on Oct. 1, Biden accused,…

Autumn Johnson | October 2, 2023

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is rallying behind The Babylon Bee amidst its battle in court against government-mandated censorship.

ADF attorneys filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in…

Luis Cornelio | October 2, 2023

Former President Donald Trump had strong words against Big Tech censorship ahead of the Republican primaries.

Speaking at the Sept. 29 California GOP Fall 2023 Convention, Trump blasted what he described as “Silicon Valley tyrants” and…

Joseph Vazquez | October 2, 2023

For all the over-the-top media bluster over how hunky-dory President Joe Biden’s decrepit economy supposedly is, Bloomberg News decided to red-pill itself: The prospect of a recession still threatens America.

“Why a US Recession Is Still…

Autumn Johnson | September 29, 2023

A new survey revealed that TikTok’s influence over Americans is only growing, thus increasing the Chinese Communist Party’s surveillance of citizens. 

Indeed, the Her Campus Media survey revealed that the CCP--tied app is the top…

Tim Kilcullen | September 29, 2023

After years of delay, the notoriously risk-averse Supreme Court will finally decide whether states have the right to protect free speech from Big Tech’s authoritarian censors.

In a Friday morning order, the U.S. Supreme Court announced…