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Kyle Gillis | May 26, 2010

Newsweek’s Michael Hirsh doesn’t want the government to have a hand in financial reform. On the contrary, he’d rather the government have both hands firmly around Wall Street.


In his May 21 Newsweek Web Exclusive, Hirsh was…

Kyle Gillis | May 24, 2010

Apparently, having Goldman Sachs connections is only a problem if you’re a Republican.

While on May 20, The Los Angeles Times gleefully reported that Meg Whitman dropped in the polls for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in California…

Jeff Poor | May 24, 2010

At first, Michael Mann, a Penn State professor and a central figure in the Climategate scandal, but best known for his discredited “hockey stick graph” didn’t like being mocked in a YouTube video. Now Mann is alleging he’s a victim of hate…

Jeff Poor | May 21, 2010

With the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) taking another tumble of 376 points on May 20, some investors are pointing to problems in Europe for the sell-off. However, there may be problems at home as well.

CNBC’s CME Group floor…

Kyle Gillis | May 20, 2010

If celebrities, movies, and former vice presidents can’t sell people on global warming, maybe a cartoon can.

At least that’s what The New Yorker was hoping with its May 17 cover showing the “evolution” of global warming. The cartoon is a…

Julia A. Seymour | May 19, 2010

Since Obama took office, there’s been a leftward swing toward increased regulation. The news media have supported that tilt, generally failing to demand explanations for high profile failures of government regulators.

From the financial…

BMI Staff | May 19, 2010

Media Favor Regulation, Barely Notice Failures of Regulators From the government's 'cozy' relationship with BP, to the SEC's failure to catch Madoff,…

Kyle Gillis | May 19, 2010

The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree and, in the case of the mainstream media, the analysis doesn’t fall far from the network agenda.


On May 17, NBC’s “Today” and CBS’ “Early Show,” along with all three network evening…

Jeff Poor | May 19, 2010

If you listened to Barack Obama back during the 2008 presidential campaign, you may recall him explaining that words matter. According to leading climate scientist and M.I.T. professor Richard Lindzen, there is a good bit of wisdom in that, as…

Jeff Poor | May 18, 2010

If you asked people what the two key events in the 20th century were, most would likely point to World Wars I and II because they transformed civilization. However, can something like the debate over climate change be as equally transformative…

Jeff Poor | May 17, 2010

Most of us have heard or seen what global warming alarmists say the consequences will be if something isn’t done to limit the man’s impact on the environment. Al Gore, in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” warns global sea levels will rise by a…

Editor, The New York Times

620 Eighth Avenue

New York, NY 10018

To the Editor:

Paul Krugman asserts that "taxes have lagged behind spending partly thanks to a deliberate political strategy, that of 'starve the…

Jeff Poor | May 14, 2010

With European economies on the brink and other emerging markets slowing down, is there any possible way things could get worse?

As if the public needed any more evidence we’re living in perilous times, Dr. Nouriel Roubini, professor of…

Jeff Poor | May 13, 2010

A concerted effort by the White House to tarnish the image of a particular entity along with a compliant mainstream media can be very effective. Just take a look at what a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll revealed.


Jeff Poor | May 12, 2010

It’s the American way, right? It is patriotic to exercise the 1st Amendment by petitioning the government for a redress of grievances – unless of course your effort has a tie to some corporation or lobbying interest. Then regardless of its size,…

BMI Staff | May 12, 2010

The Untold Story of Astroturf: Corporate-Sponsored Environmentalism According to the news media, grassroots activism and protests are patriotic…

Jeff Poor | May 7, 2010

While international attention has been focused on Greece’s debt crisis and the riots that have ensued over austerity measures, the possibility of the United States finding itself in the same situation is one to be considered a legitimate…

Jeff Poor | May 6, 2010

Usually, the crazy rantings of MSNBC host Keith Olbermann can be dismissed as the norm and easily ignored. But on May 5, Olbermann gave a glimpse of an obsession with former Vice President Dick Cheney – a man that has been out of office for 471…

Jeff Poor | April 29, 2010

A $787-billion stimulus. Liabilities of $356 billion for the TARP bailout on the federal government’s balance sheet. And that’s in addition to other unfunded liabilities from federal entitlements like ObamaCare, Medicare, and Social Security.…