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Kyle Gillis | June 11, 2010

If tighter fuel emission regulations, commuter taxes, and carbon credits can’t reduce global warming, then perhaps whiter clouds will do the trick.

That’s the solution championed in a June 11 USA Today story. The story focused on a news…

Julia A. Seymour | June 10, 2010

Toys, food, packaging. Chemicals are in them all. The media make a living by sensationalizing the potential dangers of just about everything in our modern world. Bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical found in many plastic items, was no exception.

Jeff Poor | June 10, 2010

We all know the BP oil spill is a huge mess. It’s going to be costly to clean up – but just how much?

On the June 10 broadcast of Fox Business Network’s “Bulls…

Kyle Gillis | June 10, 2010

Is the anti-business sentiment so strong in the media that journalists can’t imagine why Americans would want a former CEO in political office?

In an appearance on “Good Morning America” June 10, former cable news host Catherine Crier…

Jeff Poor | June 9, 2010

When a protectionist law is enacted and nearly a century later it is inhibiting a recovery from major ecological catastrophe, it’s probably time to scrap it or at least temporarily waive it.

But instead a nearly century old provision…

Kyle Gillis | June 9, 2010

Make sure to die when an estate tax is in effect, or the New York Times will be upset.

In a June 8 article, Times reporter David Kocieniewski complained about an “accounting quirk” that allowed Texas pipeline tycoon Dan L. Duncan’s…

Kyle Gillis | June 9, 2010

Even the food police can’t catch every criminal.

At least that was the tone of a June 8 AP brief regarding a report by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council claiming that the Food and Drug Administration is “stretched…

Jeff Poor | June 8, 2010

We’ve heard politicians, even conservative Republicans, suggest BP would be held completely responsible for the devastation caused by the oil spill plaguing the Gulf of Mexico, even if it means its very existence.


That in…

Jeff Poor | June 6, 2010

How’s this for outside-the-box thinking – use nuclear explosives to stop the BP oil spill that is ravaging the Gulf Coast? 

According to some of the panelist on Fox News Channel’s “Forbes on Fox,” using nuclear materials would be a…

Jeff Poor | June 4, 2010

The advocacy fear-mongers have repeatedly zeroed in on what the American public eats. Whether it’s fat, salt, sugar – there is a seemingly endless list of what is good for you and what isn’t. Recently one of the foods these self-proclaimed food…

Jeff Poor | June 3, 2010

With China holding over $700 billion in U.S. debt, a lot of caution has been applied to the diplomatic relations between the United States and China by the Obama administration. However, gone relatively unnoticed has been the expansion of the…

Kyle Gillis | June 3, 2010

The old saying used to go ‘you are what you eat,’ but now the media wants that saying to be ‘you are what you see.’


News outlets from Time to Business Week picked up on a study released June 1 by the Journal of American…

Katie Bell | June 3, 2010

Foreclosure on one’s home used to be a financially shameful matter. Today, homeowners are riding the foreclosure of financial irresponsibility wave to the bank by staying in foreclosed homes long after they’ve stopped making mortgage payments.…

Alana Goodman | June 2, 2010

An Associated Press article June 2 echoed the Left’s new talking point that small-government conservatives are being hypocrites when they ask for federal assistance during environmental disasters.

With the headline, “Conservatives seek…

Kyle Gillis | June 2, 2010

If Jean Healge had been in “Mean Girls,” it’s safe to say she wouldn’t have been a member of The Plastics.

In a story light on facts but heavy on praise, CNN’s “American Morning” profiled Heagle and her two and a half-year quest to rid…

Jeff Poor | June 1, 2010

If you think government has all the answers, you’ll certainly approve of this call.

Former Clinton Secretary of Labor and CNBC contributor Robert Reich has determined it’s time for President Barack Obama to seize the reigns of control…

Kyle Gillis | June 1, 2010

In The New York Times’ view, industries should surrender to government demands no matter what it would do to their bottom line.

On May 29, the Times wrote a long article called “The Hard Sell on Salt,” that unsympathetically outlined the…

Kyle Gillis | May 28, 2010

Despite the fact that both The New York Times and NBC Nightly News have Facebook pages, they don’t appear to be friends of the social networking juggernaut.


On May 26, the media reported on Facebook’s announcement that it is…

Jeff Poor | May 27, 2010

Most probably wouldn’t think of Rolling Stone magazine as a primary source for information on something like financial regulation reform. However, if you listen to some of the left-wing talking heads like Ezra Klein, Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi…

Kyle Gillis | May 26, 2010

If network bias was measured in calories, then NBC Nightly News would be a double bacon cheeseburger.


On May 25, both NBC and CBS’s evening news broadcasts ran stories about a “study” by the left-leaning Center for Science in…