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Alana Goodman | June 29, 2010

Apparently the “rockets' red glare” isn't “green” enough for some environmentalists.

Fourth of July fireworks displays have been deemed “ecologically hazardous” by some eco-warriors, who are urging environmentally-conscious Americans…

Kyle Gillis | June 28, 2010

Media bias never takes a summer vacation.

On CNN’s June 28 “American Morning,” reporter Mary Snow lamented the poor hiring prospects for teachers in the wake of thousands of layoffs around the country. While several factors such as…

Kyle Gillis | June 28, 2010

In the media’s eyes, Republicans might as well wear hockey goalie masks and run around with chainsaws.

In a June 24 AP story titled “Republicans Kill Senate Jobless Aid Measure,” writer Andrew Taylor paints Senate Republicans as…

Alana Goodman | June 28, 2010

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan remains largely a mystery to the general public, even though her nomination hearing starts today. Thanks to a virtual media blackout on Kagan's more controversial political stances and associations, Americans…

Julia A. Seymour | June 25, 2010

U.S. District Court Judge Martin Feldman struck down the Obama administration’s order of a six-month drilling moratorium on June 24. Despite Louisianians’ “unified” opposition to a drilling ban, Obama has “vowed to appeal,” according to…

Editor, The New York Times

620 Eighth Avenue

New York, NY 10018

To the Editor:

If Beijing doesn't further raise the value of the renminbi, Paul Krugman wants Uncle Sam to impose trade sanctions on Chinese…

Jeff Poor | June 25, 2010

This is one of those “I told you so” moments conservatives should really be out publicizing: The $787-billion stimulus passed early 2009 – it’s not working.


And on CNBC’s June 25 broadcast of “The Call,” CME Group floor…

Jeff Poor | June 24, 2010

Fresh off his Tea Party cover story in the June 24 Weekly Standard, CNBC’s Rick Santelli foresees what could be classified as an economic black hole for the United States of America.

On the network’s June 24 broadcast of “Strategy Session…

Kyle Gillis | June 23, 2010

The Food Police are pursuing their latest criminal: The Hamburglar.

In a statement released on June 22, the liberal Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) announced it was filing a lawsuit against McDonald’s for marketing toys…

Katie Bell | June 23, 2010

ABC has great news for anyone who ever wanted to shop for a mate and design their offspring at the same time. People who are looking for potential sperm or egg donors do not even need a catalog; they can head straight to the web.

In a…

Kyle Gillis | June 22, 2010

It didn’t take Velma, Shaggy or Scooby to uncover this mystery.

In a June 21 study published in the medical journal Pediatrics, researchers from Yale University “discovered” that food products with characters on them affect children’s…

Jeff Poor | June 22, 2010

The BP oil spill – millions of gallons of oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico, coastal businesses from Houston to Tampa shuttered, the potential for higher energy costs across the country and untold ecological damage. But according to Mother Jones…

Jeff Poor | June 21, 2010

Usually when you see something on the Center for American Progress’ Think Progress blog, you ignore it (or at best take it with a grain of salt) because you know its fundamental objective is to score some inane point against conservatives or the…

Jeff Poor | June 21, 2010

So you may have seen the headlines – the United States is slipping from its long-time position of economic dominance. Evidence: news that China is on the verge of become the top global manufacturer.

So you may have seen the headlines – the…

Kyle Gillis | June 21, 2010

Tough times don’t last; tough people do.

That’s the theme of author John S. Cohoat’s new book “No Thank You, Mr. President,” which tells the story of 10 private companies in Elkhart County, Ind., that made their own way to economic…

Jeff Poor | June 18, 2010

Wow. Just wow. Has one of the standard-bearers of the media elite recognized that the Obama administration’s populist, anti-business tone is inhibiting the U.S. economy?

On the June 18 broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” NBC “Meet the Press”…

Jeff Poor | June 16, 2010

There has been a lot of criticism hurled at President Obama over his handling of the BP oil spill. Some on the left are upset the president hasn’t been more forceful with the oil giant. Those on the right generally argue Obama’s leadership has…

Julia A. Seymour | June 16, 2010

The news media have recently been struck with World Cup fever, with two broadcast networks sending reporters to South Africa to cover the games. At the same time, a bailout request that could cost taxpayers another $50 billion was ignored by…

BMI Staff | June 16, 2010

Obama Wants $50 Billion more for Stimulus, Networks Nearly Silent Is soccer more important to American taxpayers than President Obamas latest push for a $50…

Kyle Gillis | June 16, 2010

The media may have found a new type of denier: the food denier.


In a June 15 ABC “Word News Tonight” story about the new USDA dietary guidelines, reporter Linsey Davis nearly did the unprecedented by holding the…