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Kyle Gillis | August 5, 2010

If news outlets were fueled by bias, then ABC, CBS, and NBC would be Hummers.

Over the past two years, the media have declared Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) “dying” while celebrating the popularity of hybrid cars. Americans disagree. Data…

Julia A. Seymour | August 4, 2010

On Aug. 6, everyone’s attention will be fixed on the release of July’s unemployment numbers. The national unemployment rate is forecast to increase to 9.6 percent, according to Bloomberg News’ survey.

The White House tried to get ahead of…

BMI Staff | August 4, 2010

Journalists Still Hiding Obamas Broken Promises on Jobs The White House made many claims about what the stimulus package would accomplish, including 2…

Dan Gainor | August 4, 2010

Happy birthday to me,

Happy birthday to me,

Happy birthday dear Barry,

Happy birthday to me.

Today is Barack Obama’s 49th birthday and an ideal time to mark a little more than a year and a half causing havoc in the…

Dan Kennedy | August 4, 2010

“The Happiest Place on Earth” is not, apparently, the most optimistic place on earth. Last week Disney dumped Miramax for $660-million. A few weeks before, Disney abandoned its own prohibition against residential community development on adjacent…

Jeff Poor | August 3, 2010

We’ve heard the complaints from all parts of the ideological spectrum about how the 2008 TARP bailout saved the financial system, but also allowed some Wall Street banks to profit while many Americans still suffered – at least in the way some…

Jeff Poor | August 2, 2010

Higher taxes are good for the economy. That may sound a little bizarre, but according to a talking head at MSNBC, higher taxes will pave the way to economic prosperity.


During MSNBC’s Aug. 2 daytime coverage, liberal radio…

Kyle Gillis | July 29, 2010

The media pompoms are out again.

In his July 28 “Street Sweep” blog, reporter Colin Barr highlighted a paper by Moody’s Analytics claiming government stimulus funds “averted what could have been called Great Depression 2.0.”…

Kyle Gillis | July 28, 2010

If the newspaper business goes under, The Associated Press might try a second career as a fight promoter.

In a July 27 story following President Obama’s Rose Garden speech, AP released a tiny news brief about Obama’s call to Congress to…

Kyle Gillis | July 27, 2010

If you want to get tax policy made into law, you need it approved by the House, the Senate and … the media.

A July 27 CNNMoney story reported on the “tax hike nobody’s talking about,” which is the tiny Making Work Pay (MWP) tax credit…

Jeff Poor | July 26, 2010

From his first days in the White House, Barack Obama has been criticized for his seeming indifference to the “special relationship” between the United States and the United Kingdom. Even in the wake of a visit from Britain's Prime Minister David…

Kyle Gillis | July 26, 2010

Maybe now would be the perfect time for the former British Petroleum to market itself as BP: Battery Plug-in. The realities of owning and operating the electric cars championed by the Obama administration and the environmental left are difficult…

Alana Goodman | July 23, 2010

Should there be a “gatekeeper” regulating internet bloggers? In the aftermath of the Shirley Sherrod incident, that’s what CNN promoted on July 23.

Anchors Kyra Phillips and John Roberts discussed the “mixed blessing of the internet,”…

Kyle Gillis | July 23, 2010

If you heard taps being played yesterday evening, there’s a good chance it came from Time magazine’s headquarters.

On Time’s Ecocentric blog, author Bryan Walsh joined other media members in bemoaning the “death” of the cap-and-trade bill…

Katie Bell | July 20, 2010

“A girl this pretty is not supposed to be poor.”

That's what Samantha Horton, a character on the July 19 Lifetime movie “The Clint List” said in justifying her decision to become a prostitute.

Jennifer Love Hewitt played…

Kyle Gillis | July 19, 2010

While some people can’t stand the heat, the news media revel in it.

On July 15, USA Today reported that according the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2010 is the hottest year on record. ABC and CBS morning shows…

Nathan Burchfiel | July 19, 2010

Radio host and businessman Herman Cain could be a “dark horse” 2012 GOP presidential candidate, according to Politics Daily’s Matt Lewis. Cain is also CEO and president of The New Voice, Inc. and national chairman of the Media Research Center’s…

Kyle Gillis | July 16, 2010

Nothing makes the media happier than an expansion of government.

The New York Times showed that on July 16 in their reaction to the passage of financial reform. In “Financial Overhauls Signals Shift on Deregulation,” reporters Binyamin…

Dan Gainor | July 15, 2010

The left continues to try to renovate Van Jones’ reputation. Jones, the former green jobs czar who disappeared from the White House in a late-night resignation after it was revealed he had signed a 9/11 Truther petition, is one of the headliners…