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Jeff Poor | September 1, 2010

Jan. 20, 2009, was supposed to be the start of a new post-partisan political climate in Washington. To some journalists, that day was confirmation that a message had been sent that the people’s government had “declared independence” from special…

Matt Philbin | September 1, 2010

With any luck, we’re going to be seeing a lot more commentary like Jim Garrison’s Aug. 31 Huffington Post piece. What’s positive about it isn’t the apocalyptic hysteria of his descriptions of “climate shock,” entertaining as they are. Rather, it’…

Kyle Gillis | August 27, 2010

If the media attack Obama, it’s usually from the far left.

In an August 27 story, reporter Jeanne Sahidi criticized President Obama for refusing to let his tax reform task force consider raising taxes on 98 percent of…

Kyle Gillis | August 26, 2010

Billy Mays would be proud.


On August 26, Time magazine’s website’s lead with a story titled “How the Stimulus is Changing America,” a 27 paragraph infomercial arguing the stimulus’s goal is a “long-term push to change the…

Dan Kennedy | August 25, 2010

My family and I are exhausted. While my wife and kids took an-ultra luxury vacation in Spain, I jetted back and forth to Chicago to celebrate my birthday as a temporary bachelor.

After that, we got back together for a family weekend at the…

Dan Gainor | August 25, 2010

To most Americans, the battle over the Ground Zero Mosque is about honoring the victims of 9/11. To those in the news media, the numbers tell a different story.

For weeks on end, news outlets have parroted the most left-wing talking points…

Jeff Poor | August 25, 2010

We’ve heard the knocks on NBC and the institutional bias that exists in its network – from the subtle spin in its flagship network’s news coverage at NBC to the over-the-top bias at its cable news channel MSNBC. So maybe the man behind the…

Kyle Gillis | August 25, 2010

With its ratings hitting an all-time low, a desperate CBS tried something new: reporting significant news stories.

On August 24, all three network evening news broadcasts led with stories on the tumbling housing market. While ABC and NBC…

Kyle Gillis | August 24, 2010

The media should hire better “experts.” 

An August 23 AP story noted gas prices are falling prior to Labor Day. Despite calling the price drop “unusual,” the AP reported the average price of gas at $2.704, thirty cents below of the $3…

Kyle Gillis | August 24, 2010

In some economic forecasters’ eyes, the sky isn’t falling – it’s fallen.

Appearing on the August 20 Yahoo! Finance ‘Tech Ticker,’ noted trends forecaster Gerald Celente called the current economic crisis “The Greatest Depression.”…

Kyle Gillis | August 23, 2010

There’s nothing like a hearty dose of media bias to start the morning. 

FDA commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg appeared on all three network morning shows for a combined 10 and a half minutes on August 23 to discuss the recent egg recall.…

Jeff Poor | August 20, 2010

It’s hardly a secret the Democratic Party, and by extension their liberal activists, are fearful their side is going to suffer significant electoral losses this November.


Part of that is due to voters’ dissatisfaction with…

Kyle Gillis | August 20, 2010

As students prepare to head back to school, the media are offering a course in Bias 101.

On the August 19 editions of ‘World News Tonight’ and ‘Nightline,’ ABC News reporter Chris Cuomo, with the help of undercover producers, followed the…

Kyle Gillis | August 19, 2010

If the Democratic Governor’s Association (DGA) received a dollar every time someone in the media bashed Fox News, they’d never worry about fundraising again.

On the August 18 edition of ‘Rick’s List,’ host Rick Sanchez and correspondent…

Jeff Poor | August 19, 2010

While lefties are foaming at the mouth over what Republican Senate candidates like Sharon Angle and Rand Paul have to say, they’re not quite willing to publicly embrace or defend the antics of their own duly elected nominee, South Carolina U.S.…

Jeff Poor | August 18, 2010

One may think that someone as well connected as long-time Washington correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell might also connect the dots. After an unseasonably rough DC winter occurring right in the midst of the ClimateGate scandal, she…

Dan Gainor | August 18, 2010

A $787 billion bailout. A health care “reform” law that could bury the entire nation in debt. And a trillion-dollar deficit that could repeat every year for the foreseeable future.

All that spending means it’s time for the Bill.

Dan Kennedy | August 18, 2010

The news media tend to report facts about the economy distinctly and separated from each other. Here is a collection of facts brought together, to provide a clearer, fuller snapshot of the incredibly dangerous position President Obama has us in…

Kyle Gillis | August 18, 2010

If a conference concerning one of the greatest housing crises in American history happens and the media don’t report on it, did it really take place?

On August 17, the Treasury Department convened a conference on ‘The Future of Housing…

Kyle Gillis | August 18, 2010

Colonel Sanders is rolling over in his grave.

An August 17 New York Daily News story reported that KFC’s second quarter sales fell 7 percent. The reason? According to KFC franchise owners, KFC”s recent marketing strategy of promoting…