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Nathan Burchfiel | August 18, 2010

What's the best way to address rising debt and deficits? According to one liberal blogger, it's not cutting spending, but taxing churches, that will solve America's financial woes.

“[Americans] should have the right to support any…

Jeff Poor | August 17, 2010

Want to see a textbook example of how the left has tried to frame the debate against extending the Bush tax cuts? Take a look at Cenk Uygur, of “The Young Turks” fame, playing the class warfare/populism card.

On MSNBC’s Aug. 17…

Kyle Gillis | August 16, 2010

CBS News reporter Leslie Stahl definitely wasn’t born a coal miner’s daughter.

On the August 15 edition of ‘60 Minutes,’ Stahl featured a 13-minute segment about coal ash, a byproduct of coal production, and revisited the infamous December…

Kyle Gillis | August 13, 2010

Forget the Xbox or the Wii. When kids get bored, they jet off without telling their parents.

On the August 13 edition of “Good Morning America,” Steve Osunsami reported on three Florida kids who attempted to fly to Dollywood, Tennessee…

Kyle Gillis | August 13, 2010

Art Linkletter hosted ‘Kids Say the Darnedest Things’ and USA Today should create a new show called ‘Kids Buy the Darnedest Things.’

An August 13 USA Today story reported on proposed legislation in San Francisco that would ban toys from…

Jeff Poor | August 12, 2010

The wisdom of Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart: defending the Bush tax cuts is only a useful gesture against President Barack Obama and not a serious policy position.

That sounds pretty weak at face value. But Stewart, or least his writers…

Kyle Gillis | August 12, 2010

Just because the summer is almost over doesn’t mean the vacation has to end, especially for public school teachers.

In an August 12 story, reporter Rich Blake raised an intriguing question: are civil servants the new “fat cats…

Kyle Gillis | August 11, 2010

Are the media blindfolds about the previously sacrosanct Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac starting to fall off?

In an August 11 USA Today story, reporter Paul Wiseman laid out the nation’s mortgage problems and called for the reformation of…

Dan Gainor | August 11, 2010

JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater snaps, hurls obscenities, grabs some beer and slides down an emergency exit – tossing away a 20-year career. And he smiles on his way to lockup. An angry customer “loses her cool at an Ohio McDonald’s.” She…

Dan Kennedy | August 11, 2010

All last week, poll results had pundits like Chris Matthews puzzled and outraged that a near majority were willing to question President Obama’s very legitimacy. Matthews and co. chalk it up to ignorance, stupidity and – most of all – racism. But…

Jeff Poor | August 11, 2010

You can’t always get what you want and that appears to be a bitter pill for former Vice President Al Gore to swallow.

Gore, the leader of the global warming alarmism movement, told supporters during an Aug. 10 conference call that…

Jeff Poor | August 10, 2010

Want evidence that working at CNN can wear you down? Although this isn’t definitive, something has happened to network meteorologist Chad Myers.

Back on Dec. 18, 2008, Myers explained to viewers of CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” that he…

Jeff Poor | August 10, 2010

Surprise – the Federal Reserve announced it will keep the Fed funds rate between zero and 0.25 percent.


OK – it’s not really much of a surprise. However, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has responded to the slowing…

Kyle Gillis | August 10, 2010

When the credits are the most intriguing part of the movie, there’s a problem.

In the new film “The Other Guys,” starring Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell, two mismatched cops try to make a name for themselves by investigating a potential…

Jeff Poor | August 9, 2010

You might wonder how the media – and, more to the point, the oil markets – have missed an important story like this.

On Aug. 8, Iran announced over its state-run airwaves that four new submarines were added to its fleet. But very little…

Kyle Gillis | August 9, 2010

If members of Congress are looking for a book to read over their summer break, perhaps they should pick up the children’s book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” It’s the story of how, given a cookie, the mouse will innocently demand more and more…

Kyle Gillis | August 6, 2010

In liberal reporters’ minds, the “more perfect union” referenced in the Preamble to the Constitution is a more perfect labor union.

In an August 6 story about pay raises for the middle class, reporter Ray Sanchez found a few…

Julia A. Seymour | August 6, 2010

CNN “Newsroom” anchor Kyra Phillips reported the “breaking news” about July’s unemployment data just after 9 a.m. Aug. 6. Misreported would be more accurate.

“We begin with the breaking news this morning on a broken economy. We have new…

Jeff Poor | August 5, 2010

Transparency in government sounds like such a high-minded right thing to do, so that the citizenry is informed and engaged about how their government operates. And with the election of President Barack Obama, that’s what we thought we might see.…

Kyle Gillis | August 5, 2010

To have, or not to have. This is the question the media love to hype up.

In August 5 story for, reporter Rich Blake touted government data indicating a record number of food stamp recipients and a “sharp” increase in the number…