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Dan Kennedy | September 29, 2010

In Bob Woodward’s new book, President Obama is quoted as saying “We can absorb a terrorist attack.” Thus, Woodward reveals in stark clarity Obama’s ambivalence and reluctance to prosecute a war against terrorists who organize against us, let…

Jeff Poor | September 29, 2010

As we near the midterm elections, left-wingers will be reading from the same tired playbook – the attempted marginalization of the Tea Party movement, but just more of it. But more and more, they are discovering the tactics are tougher to defend…

Jeff Poor | September 29, 2010

Lately the Fox News Channel’s overnight program “Red Eye” has offered a plethora of media criticism – much of it dead-spot on. Last week during this his “Gregalogue” segment, host Greg Gutfeld took on the so-called “Rally to Restore Sanity”…

Krista West | September 28, 2010

The mainstream media is always hungry for a story about how the duplicity and greed of big bad corporations harms innocent consumers. Throw children into the mix and just try to stop a network anchor from breathlessly relaying the whole, sordid…

Krista West | September 28, 2010

It’s not quite “earth shaking,” but we can be sure it caused a tremor at the National Education Association office in downtown D.C.

On Sept.27, President Obama admitted on NBC’s “Today” show that Washington, D.C.’s “struggling” public…

Krista West | September 24, 2010

Are you fed up with annoying ads from personal injury lawyers? These lawyers are wasting your time and your money.

On his show Sept.23, Fox Business Correspondent John Stossel exposed the costs of frivolous lawsuits to taxpayers. Costs go…

Jeff Poor | September 24, 2010

You have to wonder what Diane Sawyer and her team at ABC’s “World News” are thinking. Is the Huffington Post the best they could do when it comes to reaching out to Americans for their ideas on the economy?


In a Sept. 23 post…

Julia A. Seymour | September 23, 2010

Barack Obama was elected president of the U.S. with a lot of help, not only from the cheerleading liberal news media, but with the financial support of some business leaders.

But now some of those businesses leaders are feeling duped,…

Dan Kennedy | September 22, 2010

In a 1993 contest, Swedish newspaper Expressen gave $1,250 to five expert stock market analysts and to one chimpanzee, named Ola. They were all free to invest in the market as they wished, in a contest to see who could produce the best profit in…

Dan Gainor | September 22, 2010

In old Westerns, the good guys would often find themselves beset by enemies and nearly out of ammunition. Just when all seemed lost, a bugle would sound and the cavalry would ride to the rescue.

Liberals think their situation is much the…

Matt Philbin | September 20, 2010

The disdain was understated, but it was there. Liberal website Huffington Post published a short item Sept. 20 noting that the man credited with starting the Tea Party movement hasn’t donned sack cloth and ashes in penance. In fact, Rick Santelli…

Julia A. Seymour | September 15, 2010

The largest tax hikes in history get closer every day, and the focus of the news cycle is finally on taxes. Tax cuts, that is.

After portraying Obama as a tax cutter when he took office, journalists have recently been talking about the…

Dan Kennedy | September 15, 2010

At the Gap, at Old Navy, at other stores, the size labels in men’s slacks or jeans lie. Pants labeled as having a 36-in. waist actually measure to 39, 39-1/2, even 41. Why? Because men think they are thinner than they are. If a guy believes he’s…

Dan Gainor | September 15, 2010

You used to have to wait every four years to see nations duke it out during the Olympics, excepting the occasional border tiff or war. Today we’re watching two nations and two economic systems fight right on the front pages of America’s…

Jeff Poor | September 10, 2010

We’ve heard from various elements that President Barack Obama was a socialist trying to “fundamentally change” the United States of America in a covert manner, but maybe it isn’t as covert as it seems.

A recent CNS News analysis of…

Julia A. Seymour | September 8, 2010

Recently, the economic news has been troubling. The latest jobs report showed another month with net losses, GDP was revised downward to a “tepid” 1.6 percent for the second quarter and others sectors like housing have still shown signs of…

BMI Staff | September 8, 2010

Media Seek Silver Linings in Economic Storm Clouds  Despite worrisome economic news the mainstream media continue to shield…

Dan Gainor | September 8, 2010

Nine years and it still seems like we just woke from a nightmare. Sept. 11, 2001, is seared into the national consciousness like Pearl Harbor 60 years before – only worse because we watched it as it happened. A nation was transfixed while 3,000…

Jeff Poor | September 2, 2010

With a 9.6 percent unemployment rate overall in the United States and unemployment rates showing an uptick in states on the Gulf of Mexico that allow offshore oil drilling, one has to wonder what the Obama administration is thinking its Draconian…

Dan Gainor | September 1, 2010

“Family Circus” is one of those old standby cartoons that, in its 50th year, still runs in 1,500 newspapers. While the cartoon view of home life sometimes serves as a morality tale, it’s also become a guide on how not to run a country – a guide…