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If celebrities, movies, and former vice presidents can’t sell people on global warming, maybe a cartoon can.

At least that’s what The New Yorker was hoping with its May 17 cover showing the “evolution” of global warming. The cartoon is a montage of every global warming cliché known to the liberal media: car exhaust, factory smoke, rising oceans, polluted water, and the most obvious cause of global warming: cow flatulence.     

Coincidentally, the issue came out on the opening day of the Heartland Institute’s International Conference on Climate Change in Chicago, where gathered scientists and academics denounced climate change alarmists and argued that global cooling is a bigger threat to the planet than global warming. While the Heartland Institute brought together respected experts to discuss climate change, the media ignored the conference. 

The cover was drawn by Dutch artist Joost Warte, who has drawn a number of left-leaning cartoons for The New Yorker, including this anti-capitalism anti-commercialism December 10, 2007 Christmas cover. 

With Climategate and declining public acceptance of man-made global warming, perhaps this was The New Yorker’s way of reintroducing it to readers. Maybe The New Yorker thought it could do what “Wall-E” and “Fern Gully” couldn’t and promote environmentalism through cartoons.