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Joseph Vazquez | October 30, 2020

The way the media handled the reporting on U.S. GDP growth having its fastest growth ever in the third quarter yesterday was atrocious at best. But the way Reuters handled the expected growth a day before the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA…

Kayla Sargent | October 29, 2020

As if we needed any more proof of Google’s leftist leanings, it has now been revealed that a Google staffer is the anonymous author of an anti-Trump New York Times opinion piece and book, A Warning. 

Miles Taylor, a former Department…

Joseph Vazquez | October 29, 2020

America is five days away from the presidential election, and the NBC and CBS morning news shows censored an astounding recovery in U.S. GDP growth. The ABC morning news show coverage of the news was a weak micro-mention.

Alexander Hall | October 29, 2020

Twitter has censored a high ranking member of the Media Research Center after he quoted a celebrity’s hateful remarks against conservative politicians.

Big Tech tyrants can’t stand conservative commentators showing how terrible modern…

Kayla Sargent | October 29, 2020

Twitter, apparently, is continuing to censor the free press in America. 

For the sixteenth day in a row, the New York Post’s (the Post) Twitter account still appears to be locked. 

The Post responded to the ongoing…

NB Staff | October 29, 2020

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said “We haven’t censored the U.S. president.” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) proved him wrong by referencing a Media Research Center study during yesterday’s Senate hearing discussing Big Tech bias.

The senator told…

Joseph Vazquez | October 29, 2020

Fox Business host Charles Payne expressed major concerns over the disastrous consequences Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s leftist tax plan would inflict on Americans if it were ever implemented.

During Tuesday’s Fox…

Alexander Hall | October 28, 2020

In a hearing about Big Tech censorship, a Republican raked Twitter’s CEO over the coals for daring to suggest that it doesn’t influence American elections.

How can Russian interference be to blame for the 2016 election, but Big Tech…

Kayla Sargent | October 28, 2020

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey of making a "false" statement "under oath" at a hearing on Big Tech censorship. The senator complained that Dorsey said the bombshell “@nypost story alleging Biden’s CCP corruption” could be…

Alec Schemmel | October 28, 2020

CEOs from Twitter and Facebook struggled to provide one example of a liberal being censored on their respective platforms during a Senate hearing about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. 

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Google…

Corinne Weaver | October 28, 2020

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) grilled Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on the platform’s decision to block the New York Post’s stories on Hunter Biden, as well as the decision to suspend the Post’s account.

Dorsey tried to explain during the…

Alexander Hall | October 28, 2020

In a hearing about Big Tech censorship, one Democrat called for more censorship against opinions and information he dislikes.

Democrat Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) condemned Trump’s “propaganda parrots” on Fox News and his fellow…

Alec Schemmel | October 28, 2020

Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) grilled the CEO of Twitter for failing to censor the tweets of Iran’s supreme leader while incessantly going after President Donald Trump’s.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Facebook CEO…

Alexander Hall | October 28, 2020

The Chairman of a massive Big Tech hearing slammed the CEO of Twitter for enabling dictators’ calls for violence and Chinese COVID-19 propaganda while censoring President Donald Trump.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Google CEO Sundar Pichai,…

Joseph Vazquez | October 28, 2020

The insufferable NeverTrump Lincoln Project, known for its disgusting attack ads against President Donald Trump is set to become a media business.

The Lincoln Project “is looking to beef up its media business after the election,”…

Corinne Weaver, Heather Moon | October 28, 2020

Big Tech’s major changes seem to have been made with a Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden presidency in mind. Four major firms have made a grand total of 26 policy changes since the start of 2020, aimed explicitly at election-related content.…

Kayla Sargent | October 27, 2020

With the election only one week away, Facebook appears to be taking its self-proclaimed role of truth-guardian even more seriously.

Facebook, starting today, has frozen political ads until Election Day, when it plans to block all…

Alexander Hall | October 27, 2020

Twitter has “fact-checked” the president’s tweets and put them behind filters before, but now users themselves are blocked from showing their approval.

Twitter censored President Donald Trump’s October 26 tweet regarding "Big problems and…

Joseph Vazquez | October 27, 2020

There doesn’t appear to be an end in sight for the hundreds of millions Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg is willing to spend to buy the U.S. election for Democrats.

The liberal billionaire’s new schtick is elevating…

Joseph Vazquez | October 27, 2020

NBC News, which helped push the Trump-Russia hoax for nearly four years, is now using Russian President Vladimir Putin as a source to try to discredit President Donald Trump for criticizing Hunter Biden’s alleged nefarious dealings in Ukraine.…