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Corinne Weaver | November 4, 2020

While no one knows who won the presidential election yet, Twitter employees and other Big Tech players are upset that Republicans even have a fighting chance. 

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey liked a tweet that said, “[Y]ang would have won…

Alexander Hall | November 4, 2020

Twitter continued its war on President Donald Trump by undermining his campaign on election night.

Twitter placed a warning label on the Trump campaign’s election night tweet in which he declared victory in South Carolina. The warning…

Corinne Weaver | November 3, 2020

Twitter couldn’t wait to test its new labeling policy on election night. Several accounts and influencers were given big blue labels after calling a win in certain states for the incumbent, President Donald Trump.

The Trump campaign’s…

Kayla Sargent | November 3, 2020

It appears as though Twitter is on a constant rampage to combat what it deems misinformation and hate speech, but there are always exceptions. 

The Daily Show official Twitter account tweeted, “Do we have this technology yet?”…

Kayla Sargent | November 3, 2020

The New York Times, like many users on Twitter  in 2020, may believe itself to be above the U.S. government. 

The news outlet recanted an earlier tweet which stated “the role of declaring a winner of the presidential election…

Kayla Sargent | November 3, 2020

Twitter wants to fight “misinformation,” but instead it censored actual election information from the Board of Elections in Erie County, Pennsylvania. 

The platform placed an interstitial, or filter, over a tweet from Mike Coudrey,…

Alec Schemmel | November 3, 2020

YouTube has removed a video of radical leftist organizers planning to confront public officials, vandalize government buildings and surround the White House if the election does not turn out the way they want.

Several activist groups,…

Joseph Vazquez | November 3, 2020

Shark Tank star and businessman Kevin O’Leary had some pretty sharp words for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his anti-fracking positions.

During the Election Day edition of CNBC’s Squawk Box, co-anchor Rebecca…

Alexander Hall | November 3, 2020

Twitter’s supercharged form of censorship of President Donald Trump’s tweets is already having consequences for the election.

Trump’s November 2 tweet was censored with an interstitial, or filter, which viewers must click through to…

Joseph Vazquez | November 3, 2020

Viewers of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows didn’t hear that the pandemic and state-enforced economic shutdowns weren’t enough to preempt the might of U.S. manufacturing in October. Market Watch said manufacturing has hit a "two-year high."…

Alexander Hall | November 2, 2020

Popular conservative talk radio host Mark Levin was targeted by Facebook on the evening before the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

“Facebook has now placed severe restrictions on my Facebook page on the eve before the election based on…

Kayla Sargent | November 2, 2020

The rules keep changing. Just one day before the presidential election, Twitter has graciously decided to reveal its guidelines for how and when a candidate can declare victory on the platform. 

Only a select group of news agencies…

Joseph Vazquez | November 2, 2020

The CEO of growing social media platform Parler warned Americans on CNBC about Big Tech’s Orwellian censorship against President Donald Trump that will continue right into election night. 

During Monday's edition of…

Kayla Sargent | November 2, 2020

Americans across the nation are waiting with bated breath for the results of the presidential election, but one group may take matters into its own hands if Trump isn’t defeated — and Big Tech hasn’t done anything about it. 

Alexander Hall | November 2, 2020

Big Tech has worked hard to influence the 2020 presidential election to aid the left.

The major social media sites have restricted conservative content, censored the president of the United States and even silenced content from a major…

Joseph Vazquez | November 2, 2020

The election is tomorrow, and President Donald Trump just notched an unprecedented endorsement from an historically liberal newspaper for his handling of the economy in the key swing state of Pennsylvania.

The Pittsburgh…

Alexa Moutevelis | October 30, 2020

For over two weeks, Twitter locked down the New York Post's official account because of the newspaper’s reporting on the alleged corrupt dealings of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. But on Friday afternoon the…

Kayla Sargent | October 30, 2020

Election Day is almost here, and Facebook is still convinced that it must make every effort to combat misinformation on its platform. 

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reportedly called the election a “test” of everything the company has…

Alexander Hall | October 30, 2020

Big Tech tyrants pretend that mail-in voting is safe, but the traditional media's past criticisms of mail-in voting have come back to bite them.

The liberal media, Big Tech, and the political establishment have teamed up in an unholy…

Kayla Sargent | October 30, 2020

Halloween, fittingly, is tomorrow, and what could be scarier than the continued censorship of the free press? 

For the seventeenth day in a row, the New York Post’s Twitter account still appears to be locked, even with the…