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Joseph Vazquez | October 21, 2020

Americans should be skeptical of a NBC News liberal moderating the final presidential debate after the network’s anti-Trump mud-slinging festival of a town hall it moderated last week. 

Donation records provide a glaring reason…

Kayla Sargent | October 20, 2020

Facebook may have hit a new low today in its seemingly eternal quest to rid the world of, well, anything the platform deems problematic. 

Seth Dillon, CEO of The Babylon Bee (The Bee) said that Facebook demonetized the Babylon Bee…

Alexander Hall | October 20, 2020

An undercover report by Project Veritas purportedly shows a Google program manager explaining how bias at Google could be used to rig the 2020 presidential election.

Guerilla journalism outlet Project Veritas released footage of Senior…

Kayla Sargent | October 20, 2020

The heat has steadily risen for Big Tech over the last few years, and it appears, at least for Google, that the hot water has reached a boiling point. Google’s day of reckoning may finally be upon us. 

The Department of Justice (DOJ…

Alexander Hall | October 20, 2020

It will be hard for liberals to gaslight about Big Tech bias after this! A former Big Tech insider has called to silence a sitting president for using social media as a “dangerous bullhorn for causing chaos.”

Peter D. Greenberger, who…

Joseph Vazquez | October 20, 2020

Remember when media outlets like BBC were casting shade on President Donald Trump for placing the blame for the out-of-control West Coast wildfires on forest mismanagement?

It looks like NBC News just admitted that the president may…

Kayla Sargent | October 19, 2020

Social media can often appear to be an echo chamber, especially to those closely following election events. But a recent survey suggests that Big Tech is shifting users’ political views. 

A study from the Pew Research Center…

NB Staff | October 19, 2020

In a press call with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Media Research Center founder and President Brent Bozell referred to Big Tech’s censorship of the Hunter Biden emails story as “simply an unacceptable proposition.”

Cruz stated, “The problem with…

Alexander Hall | October 19, 2020

Twitter is still ready to pounce on conservatives, even after coming under intense criticism following its censorship of a bombshell New York Post report last week.

TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk has been censored for tweeting his concerns…

Kayla Sargent | October 19, 2020

Nothing to see here. Twitter may want to move on from the firestorm of criticism it received following last week’s censorship of a bombshell New York Post article, but the Senate GOP has not forgotten about it.

In a shocking story…

Craig Bannister | October 19, 2020

More than three-fourths of social media users do not believe most of what they read on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, a new Rasmussen survey finds.

One-third (33%) of U.S. likely voters “rarely or never” use social…

Alexander Hall | October 19, 2020

Anonymity allows Big Tech’s darkest secrets to be revealed, but this poll devastates liberal attempts to deny that anti-conservative bias exists in Big Tech. 

The company blog for Blind, an “anonymous professional network with 3.6M…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2020

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board just ripped apart the absurdity of “Bidenomics.” 

Hint: it most definitely is not “well grounded in mainstream economics” as New York Times economist Paul Krugman would have people…

Corinne Weaver, Alec Schemmel | October 19, 2020

Big Tech has caused serious damage to President Donald Trump’s ability to be heard on social media.

Twitter and Facebook have censored the president’s social media accounts and the accounts belonging to his re-election campaign at least…

Alexander Hall | October 16, 2020

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave a noble speech in favor of free expression at Georgetown University one year ago. A few boycotts and media outrages later, and now he has gone so far as letting his platform censor the president of…

Kayla Sargent | October 16, 2020

With the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) antitrust lawsuit against Google still pending, it appears as though some state attorneys general may be taking matters into their own hands. 

Several states are now planning to open their own…

Joseph Vazquez | October 16, 2020

Integrity is apparently a myth with the journalists at NBC News. The network’s insufferable Business Correspondent Stephanie Ruhle was just exposed for filming promotional videos for a bank she covers. 

The Washington Post, which…

Alexander Hall | October 16, 2020

Big Tech purged conservative commentators’ posts after they began to discuss a scandalous New York Post report about Hunter Biden. This was the last straw for those skeptical about reining in Big Tech.

“Last night, my Subcommittee on…

Craig Bannister | October 16, 2020

On Thursday, a day after social media platforms Facebook and Twitter censored a New York Post article reporting allegations potentially harmful to former Democrat Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced…

Joseph Vazquez | October 15, 2020

It’s not everyday The New York Times undercuts its own Trump-Russia saga by admitting that there’s no evidence President Donald Trump owes money to Russia.

In a shocking story headlined “No, There Isn’t Evidence That Trump Owes…