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Autumn Johnson | April 24, 2021

Facebook has penalized The Babylon Bee after the site posted a story making fun of leftist rioters and looters. This was the latest run-in with Facebook for the Christian satire site. 

The satirical post was titled “rioting safely”…

Alexander Hall | April 23, 2021

Parler Interim CEO Mark Meckler explained in an interview that Parler’s app is returning to Apple’s App Store on the condition it comply with the platform’s rules. Mecklerr said that there will be alternate versions with different sets of rules…

Kayla Sargent, Michael Morris | April 23, 2021

In response to Big Tech's continued onslaught of censorship against conservatives, the Media Research Center has decided that we've had enough and so we've created a channel on Rumble to promote the use of free-speech-oriented platforms.…

Joseph Vazquez | April 23, 2021

The New York Times economist Paul Krugman misrepresented a document by the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) to claim that the union endorsed President Joe Biden’s anti-coal, eco-extremist agenda.

Krugman’s latest op-ed cited only a…

Autumn Johnson | April 22, 2021

Twitter refused to investigate an inflammatory tweet by LeBron James for potential violations after the NBA superstar threatened an Ohio police officer. James went after the officer who shot and killed a 16-year-old African-American girl who…

Kayla Sargent | April 22, 2021

Apple has had a history of charging app developers fees for the honor of having an app in the App Store. But several companies have now accused Apple of “anticompetitive” practices in a Senate subcommittee hearing.

The hearing, entitled “…

Alexander Hall | April 22, 2021

Turning Point USA Founder and President Charlie Kirk issued a grim warning that conservatives need to revolutionize their strategy against Big Tech in an age where woke corporations dominate American life. 

The official TPUSA account…

Joseph Vazquez | April 22, 2021

CNN announcing its “Climate Crisis” town hall after Project Veritas exposed its plans for pushing climate propaganda post-COVID revealed just how much of a farce the network’s eco-extremist narrative is.

A new story by CNN was plastered…

Alexander Hall | April 22, 2021

Comedian, actor and commentator Russell Brand interviewed University of Toronto Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson and took time to hammer Big Tech companies. 

Brand, a famous liberal free thinker, torched the idea that Western…

Kayla Sargent | April 22, 2021

Facebook’s fact-checkers are covering for the left’s huge election power grab in H.R. 1. A far left AP fact-checker spent 850 words trying, and failing, to debunk a graphic about the bill. 

AP News fact-checked a graphic from the…

Autumn Johnson | April 21, 2021

The United States Postal Services has been quietly monitoring Americans’ social media posts, including posts about planned protests. At least some of that specifically targeted “right-leaning accounts.”

The surveillance program, known as…

Alexander Hall | April 21, 2021

The not-so-neighborly social media app Nextdoor revealed a new program that warns users to avoid posting language that it deemed “could be offensive.”

Phrases such as “All Lives Matter” will trip Nextdoor’s racism censor, apparently. The…

Joseph Vazquez | April 21, 2021

A Bloomberg Opinion senior columnist joined the noisy cacophony of liberal elitists demanding Fox Corporation executive Lachlan Murdoch cancel conservative host Tucker Carlson.

Timothy O’Brien’s anti-Carlson rant was headlined, “Fox News…

Alec Schemmel | April 21, 2021

Facebook has once again shown that on its platform only certain viewpoints are allowed in discussions about controversial topics.

Facebook announced it would be censoring so-called “misinformation” and “hate speech” regarding the verdict…

Heather Moon, Dan Gainor | April 21, 2021

By almost any measure, the first three months of 2021 were the worst ever for online freedom. Amazon, Twitter, Apple, Google, Facebook, YouTube and others proved to the world that the Big Tech censorship of conservatives is a reality. And they…

Alexander Hall | April 20, 2021

Far-left groups, including racial activists and socialists, used Facebook to organize 14 protests in eight days over the outcome of the Derek Chauvin trial. The site previously sheltered far-left Antifa-related activist organizations such as “All…

Kayla Sargent | April 20, 2021

Twitter may soon face a jury over allegations of defamation after it censored guerilla journalism head James O’Keefe. 

Project Veritas founder O’Keefe has filed a defamation lawsuit against Twitter after the platform suspended his…

Joseph Vazquez | April 20, 2021

Time magazine continued its sad history of pushing the inconsistent climate nuttiness it’s been peddling for decades.

The magazine released a new cover story with a headline that once again reeked of climate Armageddon agitprop: “Climate…

Alexander Hall | April 19, 2021

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki accepted an award for freedom of expression after a year of unprecedented censorship of conservatives.

“After an unprecedented year of YouTube censorship, the Freedom Forum Institute, a group which states that…

Kayla Sargent | April 19, 2021

In a win for free speech, Apple finally allowed the free speech-oriented app Parler back into the App Store. 

Apple sent a letter to Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) that stated the App Store would once again host Parler…