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Kayla Sargent | May 7, 2021

UPDATE: Ilyse Hogue, president of the pro-baby killing National Abortion Rights Action League Pro-Choice America (NARAL), took credit for helping Facebook deplatform LifeSiteNews in a tweet. “Big news: Facebook deplatformed LifeSiteNews this week…

Joseph Vazquez | May 7, 2021

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a devastating report on job growth in April. It completely destroyed the media hype about the jobs growth under President Joe Biden. Their glowing job predictions were off by at least 734,000 jobs. Perhaps…

Alexander Hall | May 6, 2021

In an interview with The Guardian on Thursday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called to regulate Big Tech and censor more content in the name of saving “democracy” from the horror of free speech.

Clinton also spoke about…

Craig Bannister | May 6, 2021

“BIG TECH on the MOVE! Twitter just suspended my Communications Director,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) tweeted early Thursday morning.

Rep. Stefanik called the suspension of Communications Director Karoline Leavitt’s Twitter account “an…

Kayla Sargent | May 6, 2021

An alleged “vaccine safety” organization has fought to have its case against Facebook censorship heard in court. 

The Children’s Health Defense (CHD) appeared in court May 5 to fight a motion to dismiss its lawsuit against Facebook,…

Joseph Vazquez | May 6, 2021

New York Times “The Morning” newsletter writer David Leonhardt claimed President Joe Biden’s massive tax hike proposal was not “radical.” One economist was having none of it.

Leonhardt panned outcries from detractors against Biden’s tax…

Heather Moon | May 6, 2021

The Facebook Oversight Board upheld Facebook’s decision to suspend former President Donald Trump’s Facebook account. The Board also chastised Facebook for assessing a “vague, standardless penalty.” The ruling confirmed the Media Research Center’s…

Casey Ryan | May 5, 2021

Facebook can continue its ban of former President Donald Trump, but the company has ignored prominent leftists on its platform who have called for violence and unrest.

Facebook’s Oversight Board punted Trump’s suspension back to Facebook…

Kayla Sargent | May 5, 2021

Even when decisions appear to go their way, liberal journalists on Twitter still find a way to complain. 

The Facebook Oversight Board decided to at least temporarily uphold Facebook’s ban of former President Donald Trump but…

Alec Schemmel | May 5, 2021

Former President Donald Trump did not take the recent decision by the Facebook Oversight Board lying down. Trump blasted Big Tech as “a total disgrace” in a statement following the Board’s decision to at least temporarily uphold a ban on his…

Alexander Hall | May 5, 2021

Conservative leaders and free speech advocates torched Facebook’s Oversight Board for its decision on former President Donald Trump’s Facebook account. The Board upheld the deplatforming of Trump — for now.

Conservatives did not mince…

Kayla Sargent | May 5, 2021

In a massive blow to free speech online, the Facebook Oversight Board decided to uphold the platform’s ban of former President Donald Trump. But with limits.

The Board “upheld” Facebook’s decision to ban Trump after more than three months…

Autumn Johnson | May 4, 2021

The Heritage Foundation has promised to no longer to accept financial support from Big Tech companies so long as the platforms suppress conservative viewpoints. 

Heritage previously rejected a $225,000 donation from Google and…

Alexander Hall | May 4, 2021

Facebook’s notoriously liberal Oversight Board has reportedly made its decision over whether former President Donald Trump will be allowed to use the platform again.

The choice is a clear one. Will the board, created to promote “free…

Joseph Vazquez | May 4, 2021

It turns out that the left has no problem taking “dark money” when it benefits their own political ends.

The New York Times published an explosive report naming liberal Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss as “one of the most important donors…

Alexander Hall | May 3, 2021

The Department of Homeland Security is limited in terms of how it monitors civilians, but under the Biden Administration, it may recruit outside firms to do its bidding.

“The Biden administration is considering using outside firms to…

Casey Ryan | May 3, 2021

Big Tech worked hard to silence Americans who disagreed with the woke Silicon Valley ruling class in April. Facebook, Twitter and Google censored prominent conservatives for simply exercising their First Amendment rights.

Big Tech…

Joseph Vazquez | May 3, 2021

A top economist sounded the alarm on the damage President Joe Biden’s Marxist plans will inflict on the economy.

Economist and University of Maryland Professor Emeritus Peter Morici penned a fiery op-ed headlined, “Biden's woke economics…

Casey Ryan | May 3, 2021

Americans turned against Big Tech, according to a shocking Gallup poll. The shift from 2019 to 2021 was drastic with Republicans and independents rejecting “large technology companies.”

More Americans viewed Big Tech negatively by a wide…

Autumn Johnson | May 1, 2021

After a controversial blog post banned “societal and political discussions” at Basecamp, roughly one-third of the company’s employees resigned.

Basecamp is a web application development company. The backlash came after company CEO Jason…