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Catherine Salgado | February 17, 2022

Twitter aggressively suppressed the Hunter Biden corruption story. Now it has apparently decided against enforcing its “Distribution of hacked materials policy” as private information about GiveSendGo donors spread on the platform. This even…

Jeffrey Clark | February 17, 2022

The Associated Press recently celebrated an $8 million cash infusion from left-wing mega-donors to fund a small army of eco-journalists. 

The Associated Press (AP) declared on Feb. 15 that “it is assigning more than two dozen…

Alexander Hall | February 17, 2022

Canada’s all-out war on funding the peaceful protesters of the trucker convoy continues as government officials are now reportedly besieging cryptocurrency. 

It’s easy to understand why people under Communist regimes hid their money…

Joseph Vazquez | February 17, 2022

The Washington Post took advantage of the allegedly hacked data of individuals throughout the United States who donated to the Canadian Freedom Convoy and “Adopt-a-Trucker” campaigns through GiveSendGo. The result was a pressure tactic against…

Autumn Johnson | February 17, 2022

A small business owner was reportedly been threatened after her name was revealed by hackers in a data leak of donors to the Canadian “Freedom Convoy.”

Over 92,000 donor names were leaked from GiveSendGo following a massive hack. Credit…

Gabriela Pariseau | February 16, 2022

Twitter suspended the anonymous Defiant L’s account that exposed embarrassing liberal hypocrisy.

The Defiant L’s Twitter account is known for tweeting images of ridiculous tweets from famous liberals or headlines from liberal outlets that…

Catherine Salgado | February 16, 2022

A new bipartisan Senate bill reportedly aims to give parents more control over the time that their children spend online, but Congress may face a whole new world of safety and privacy concerns with the new metaverse.

Sens. Richard…

Brian Bradley | February 16, 2022

Free speech advocates cautioned about giving the government and university researchers exclusive authority over social media data as lawmakers expect to soon consider a proposal to force new information disclosures from Big Tech.


Alexander Hall | February 16, 2022

One of the few right-wing power players in Big Tech is reportedly backing a dating app that will help conservatives find love amid a liberal culture. 

Conservatives looking for love may have a new wingman. “Peter Thiel is injecting $…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | February 16, 2022

It’s Episode 25 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we’re talking about a study that MRC’s Free Speech America team recently conducted. Results showed that from March 2020 to Feb. 2022, Big Tech censored more than 808 COVID-19-related posts.…

Joseph Vazquez | February 16, 2022

The New York Times Opinion section is pushing for everybody to become insectivores in order to join the militant woke crusade against climate change.  

The video, headlined “The Joy of Cooking (Insects),” pontificated how “…

Jeffrey Clark | February 16, 2022

CNN commentator Fareed Zakaria couldn’t seem to understand why Americans seem “gloomy” about a “strong” economy. Has he been paying attention?

In a Washington Post opinion piece headlined “Our economy is doing well — but many Americans…

Autumn Johnson | February 15, 2022

Twitter has expanded its mode aimed at protecting user “safety.”

The platform introduced “Safety Mode” in September of last year and said its aim was to “limit unwelcome interactions on Twitter.”

The mode was initially only…

Autumn Johnson | February 15, 2022

Maybe there isn’t a misinformation crisis after all. Even lefty journalist Matthew Yglesias, a columnist at Bloomberg, wrote on his “Slow Boring” Substack blog that there is no “misinformation crisis” on the internet.

Yglesias wrote…

Alexander Hall | February 15, 2022

Freedom advocates sounded the alarm as Canada announced potential financial penalties against Canadians trying to support protestors.

Commentators condemned Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland as she announced that banks and…

Catherine Salgado | February 15, 2022

A censor every hour to help liberal media tyrants keep power? If media outlet BuzzFeed gets its way, censorship could be more invasive in the metaverse even than on current social media platforms.

Meta’s (formerly Facebook’s) Horizon…

Craig Bannister | February 15, 2022

On Monday, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that he has sued Facebook (now known as Meta) for illegally capturing and using the biometric data of millions of Texans and failing to destroy the collected data in a reasonable period of…

Joseph Vazquez | February 15, 2022

New York Times economist Paul Krugman spewed bile at the so-called “vandalism” by Canadian truckers protesting the country’s draconian COVID-19 policies. He did this while dismissing the 2020 Marxist Black Lives Matter riots across the U.S. that…

Catherine Salgado | February 14, 2022

Hackers reportedly shut down fundraising site GiveSendGo temporarily after the Canadian Freedom Convoy raised millions of dollars on the platform. 

The site’s front page reportedly redirected to a mocking video from the movie Frozen…

Alexander Hall | February 14, 2022

Facebook reportedly blocked the account of Canadian businesswoman Raechel Allan-Nicholls allegedly for being associated with the Freedom Convoy protesting draconian COVID-19 policies.

As working people fight for their most basic freedoms…