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Jeffrey Clark | March 2, 2022

Bloomberg News just put out a spin piece on the economy that would make professional propagandists blush.

Bloomberg News put out an asinine Feb. 27 story headlined: “Inflation Pain Means Biden Gets No Credit for Roaring Economy.” The…

Joseph Vazquez | March 2, 2022

Conservative radio host Mark Levin tore into President Joe Biden for projecting major weakness in his foreign policy by placing “harsher sanctions” on American energy than on Russian energy amidst the war in Ukraine.

During the Feb. 28…

Catherine Salgado | March 2, 2022

Montana’s attorney general has announced an investigation into Communist Chinese-linked social media app TikTok, including an examination of TikTok’s censorship.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen announced an investigation on Feb.…

Brian Bradley | March 2, 2022

UPDATE: This story has been updated to reflect that Frances Haugen was one of the State of the Union guests for First Lady Jill Biden.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) called on President Joe Biden to take…

Alexander Hall | March 1, 2022

Big Tech platforms have allowed reported hoaxes about the Ukrainian war to spread, even as they consistently censor users for posting actual facts about COVID-19.

Which is more dangerous, questioning COVID-19 narratives or pushing…

Jeffrey Clark | March 1, 2022

“Under Biden, the U.S. is leading from behind again.” 

That tweet from MRC President and founder Brent Bozell undercut the core argument of a New York Times piece describing internationally coordinated financial sanctions against…

Catherine Salgado | March 1, 2022

DirecTV dropped Russian propaganda outlet RT America on Tuesday as a belated response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. DirecTV absurdly refused to renew One America News Network earlier this year while RT’s programming was only suspended…

Craig Bannister | March 1, 2022

Despite Russia’s invasion of Ukraine being condemned by the U.S. and kindred countries around the world, Twitter continues to allow Russian President Vladimir to post on its platform.

Twitter, which has permanently banned former U.S.…

Alexander Hall | March 1, 2022

Comedian, actor and commentator Russell Brand called out the American government for criminalizing misinformation, despite the government’s deep record of pushing misinformation itself.

Brand is well-known as a free-thinker and comedian,…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2022

The UN’s latest climate change report tried to frighten the globe over melting glaciers on Mount Kilimanjaro. Just like Al Gore did in 2006 when he predicted those glaciers would be gone by now. The latest report warned they will still melt —…

Catherine Salgado | February 28, 2022

UPDATE: Social media companies as of Tuesday morning have reportedly announced various actions against Russia state-affiliated accounts and material. YouTube will block channels that are linked to Sputnik and RT across Europe, Reuters…

Autumn Johnson | February 28, 2022

Over the weekend during a CPAC panel, Senator James Lankford (R-OK) slammed Big Tech dominance. A long proponent of reforming Section 230, Lankford stated reform was essential to protecting free speech.

Lankford doubled down on…

Jeffrey Clark | February 28, 2022

Fox Business host Stuart Varney highlighted President Joe Biden’s culpability on inflation, and liberal media efforts to shield him from responsibility by shifting blame to the Russia-Ukraine war.

Fox News host Pete Hegseth asked Varney…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2022

Podcaster and comedian Joe Rogan is clearly fed up with uber-liberal mega-billionaire Bill Gates and his incessant claims that meat-eating is sinful and unhealthy, while at the same time allegedly not being in the best shape himself.

Gabriela Pariseau | February 28, 2022

UPDATE: TikTok removed another Reality Check with Brittany Hughes clip and then restored it a couple of hours later since the publishing of this blog. Including the most recent incident, the platform censored MRC 18 times, 15 times in 2 months…

Autumn Johnson | February 27, 2022

A new study from Princeton alleged that liberal content on Twitter turned moderate voters against former President Donald Trump.

Social media platforms, especially Facebook and Twitter, have long had a complex relationship with politics.…

Autumn Johnson | February 27, 2022

Although the federal government has not utilized vaccine passports to prove that someone has been vaccinated against COVID-19, some states are quietly using “SMART Health Cards."

According to Forbes, a SMART Health Card is being used…

Brian Bradley | February 25, 2022

NewsGuard CEO Steven Brill this week painted his company as a white knight that can save impressionable dupes from repeating another Jan. 6 “insurrection,” and said Fox News and OANN traffic in conspiracy theories.

Brill tried to…

Alexander Hall | February 25, 2022

U.S. District Judge James Donato reportedly questioned the claim that powerful lawmakers and organizations called for Big Tech platforms to censor then-President Donald Trump, despite the fact that it clearly happened.

A court case may…

Joseph Vazquez | February 25, 2022

Bloomberg News co-founder Matthew Winkler is twisting numbers again to try to make leftists look like economic wizards. This time, he went to bat for Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) who imposed tyrannical COVID-19 shutdown policies on her…