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Jeffrey Clark | February 8, 2022

Friends of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) around the world, unite! Liberal outlet Bloomberg News recently praised local CCP officials for becoming great “venture capitalists,” especially through funding electric vehicle startups like Tesla…

Autumn Johnson | February 8, 2022

The Internal Revenue Service reportedly abandoned a plan that required taxpayers to use facial recognition software.

The plan would have required users to independently verify their identity in order to obtain a tax transcript or set…

Jeffrey Clark | February 8, 2022

The Wall Street Journal called out American companies for sponsoring the Olympics in a country the U.S. has accused of genocide.

In an article headlined “Why the Beijing Olympics Are Awkward for Corporate Do-Gooders,” The Wall Street…

NB Staff | February 8, 2022

Spotify seems to have targeted Joe Rogan as it still hasn't clarified its overall policy on racial slurs.

The platform continues to host a ton of content chock full of the racial slur, including one Lil’ Jon song that belts the N-word a…

Joseph Vazquez | February 8, 2022

The eco doom-mongering TIME magazine virtue-signaled that the U.S. needs to fight climate change if it's serious about fighting inflation. Really.

The rag published a bonkers Feb. 3 article headlined, “If the U.S. Wants to Fully Tackle…

Joseph Vazquez | February 8, 2022

The Heritage Foundation released a damning report blasting censorship and showing that it has jumped fully into the fight against Silicon Valley speech controls. 

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts didn’t mince words about…

Gabriela Pariseau | February 7, 2022

Twitter permanently suspended an anti-critical race theory organization, then reinstated the account after MRC Free Speech America asked the platform for an explanation. A Twitter spokesperson told MRC Free Speech America that the account was “…

Catherine Salgado | February 7, 2022

Meta reportedly predicted that regulations covering online data could prevent the company from offering Facebook and Instagram in Europe.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, stated in an annual report for the U.S. Securities and…

Craig Bannister | February 7, 2022

Grammy Award-winning Country singer Travis Tritt thinks it’s strange that singers who trumpeted free speech in the 60’s and 70’s are now fighting against it. 

“I really find it strange that so many musicians from the 60’s and 70…

Alexander Hall | February 7, 2022

Music and podcast streaming platform Spotify reportedly explained in a memo to its employees that podcaster Joe Rogan had self-removed some episodes of his podcast after outrage over past language, but warned he should not be silenced.

Joseph Vazquez | February 7, 2022

Twitter launched a new tool that allows users to secretly downvote tweets to see how the company could “better surface the most relevant content,” the platform said in an email to MRC Free Speech America. Twitter will be able to poison tweets…

Brian Bradley | February 7, 2022

Leftist Big Tech consulting organization Data & Society has added two flamboyant leftists, including pro-censorship former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao, to its Board of Directors.

The move will likely endanger American free speech rights,…

Autumn Johnson | February 5, 2022

Reports have indicated that Spotify has removed approximately 70 episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience.” Many on the left have attacked Rogan for his promotion of alternative treatments of COVID-19. 

“The apparent removal of the…

Autumn Johnson | February 5, 2022

GoFundMe has reportedly changed its tune after it originally vowed to distribute money raised for truckers on strike to “verified charities.” The site reportedly said it will return all the money to donors.

Truckers in Canada went on…

Jeffrey Clark | February 4, 2022

Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos just solidified himself as one of the biggest climate activist hypocrites in world politics.

The city of Rotterdam reportedly gave the green light to disassemble one of Netherland’s oldest bridges to make…

Catherine Salgado | February 4, 2022

“Intellectual Dark Web” leader, podcaster, and top investor Eric Weinstein slammed the Biden administration for pressuring Spotify to remove renowned podcast host Joe Rogan from the platform, tweeting, “This is an open war on American Values from…

Catherine Salgado | February 3, 2022

Facebook ousted a populist group of U.S. truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates despite calling itself a “democratic” platform. 

Facebook “VP of AR/VR” (augmented reality/virtual reality) Andrew Bosworth recently called his platform a…

Jeffrey Clark | February 3, 2022

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki blamed the COVID-19 omicron variant for job losses in advance of a potentially terrible jobs report scheduled to be released on Feb. 4 by the Department of Labor.

Psaki ran ahead of the jobs report…

Alexander Hall | February 3, 2022

The Anti-Defamation League, which has lobbied and advised Big Tech to censor speech, altered its definition of racism following The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg’s outrageous Holocaust remarks.

Once again, powerful liberal organizations…

Joseph Vazquez | February 3, 2022

A Bloomberg Opinion editor actually suggested humanity just blot out the sun to fight global warming. Michael Newman wrote a senseless blog headlined, “What if We Blotted Out the Sun to Fight Global Warming?” He probably subconsciously realized…